Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A Pain Free Leg Work-Out

weight today:same
total lost: 8 pounds in 14 weeks
1/2 cup of oatmeal:150
1 1/2 tsp of sugar: 22
1 tbl of powder creamer in tea:30
2 tsp of sugar:30
total: 232
Jimmy John's turkey sub with no mayo, with cheese and Dijon Mustard:422
1 single shot mocha: 250
1 chocolate raspberry scone:300
total: 972
running total:1,204
1 1/2 cup of chicken and rice dish:220
running total: 1,424
3 1/2 oz of strawberries:32
1/2 tsp of sugar:10
4 oz tilapia: 93
1 tsp of Smart Balance light butter:15
some Snyder Hanover pretzels: 45
running total:1,611
Today's challenge: I absent-mindedly took a few bites of my son's scone at the coffee shop and before you know it I ate the whole thing. That was interesting. And the thing was I had just got done eating my turkey sub, was working on my coffee and was eating the scone. You'd think I would have been stuffed, but I wasn't at all. I'd like to think I "needed" it, but I probably didn't. I may be over-estimating it's caloric value of 300 calories, but it was probably close to that. I will say it was good. Remember how I love the scone's this coffee shop makes? And, quite honestly, chocolate chip raspberry is pretty much my favorite.
Actual fitness: 60 minute leg work-out. My first leg work-out in three weeks, people!! My knees did not hurt. I was concerned that my muscles were not going to be as strong. So, I was surprised at how strong they did feel. I was able to complete all my exercises and do most all of them at about 80 to 85 percent of where I left off three weeks ago.
Exercises like step-ups, backward lunges and jump squats I was able to do without feeling really too fatigued at all despite not doing those for three weeks. This is interesting and very encouraging to me. The idea that I can take three weeks off and then jump back in at this level seems pretty amazing to me.
I'm very happy that I can begin my leg work-outs again. Now I just need to get back into the groove with my running.
With two days off from running, I'm going to do try and do a three mile lunch run tomorrow to see if I can do that pain free.
Note on caffeine today: I am taking caffeine here and there. Today I resisted the double shot mocha in lieu for a single shot mocha. One of the reasons I even had one at all was because I wanted some energy for doing some major organizing at home. It does come with a cost, though, since I did feel some slight stomach pains from the coffee. I still want to stay mostly caffeine free.
Note on picture: This is what I had for supper. A very low calorie chicken and rice Alfredo dish. 1 1/2 cup for 220 calories. I think the downside to this dish is that there is a lot salt in it. I was noticing a salty taste tonight.
Monday, December 28, 2009
I'm In Vacation Mode

weight today: same
total lost: 8 pounds in 14 weeks
1/2 cup of oatmeal:150
1 tsp of sugar:15
1/2 sheet of graham cracker: 35
1 tbl of powder creamer in tea:30
2 tsp of sugar in tea:30
1 1/2 sheets of graham cracker:105
1/2 cup of 1% milk: 55
running total: 420
1 large egg: 70
1 large egg white: 16
1 lefse:30
1/2 cup of Blue Bunny Premium Light vanilla ice cream:100
1 tsp of chocolate syrup:20
running total: 656
2 bites of husband's Whopper:40
2 small onion rings:40
5 or 6 french fries:30
1/2 of a cow tail:55
total: 165
running total:821
1 1/4 cup of shrimp alfredo dish: 220
1 slice of Rotello Italian bread:55
1 tsp of Smart Balance light butter:15
salad with Dorothy lynch dresssing:50
1 tbl of powder creamer in tea:30
1 tbl of sugar in tea: 45
snacking on Snyder Hanover Garlic bread pretzels:40
running total:1,276
4 oz of tilapia:93
1 tsp of Smart Balance light butter:15
1 slice of wheat bread:70
1 tsp of Smart Balance light butter:15
1 1/2 tsp of peanut butter:53
some Snyder Hanover pretzels: 60
total: 306
running total: 1,582
Today's challenge: snacking and not eating clean. I need to focus the next several days on eating more protein and good carbohydrates.
Actual fitness: my bicep and back work-out, abdominals
Note on picture: This is the angel food cake made with icing and raspberries that my mom made on Christmas Eve.
I'm still in vacation/holiday mode here. My husband is home all this week and so the days have been relaxing and lazy. We're trying to have fun this week yet get things around the house done...that need to be done. I feel like I'm doing the bare mimimum on my diet blog, but I'm so glad I have it. It's when you don't feel like dieting that you know you need to keep an extra sharp watch on what you're doing.
I gained back the two pounds that I first lost, then gained and then lost ....and now have gained again. Follow that? I'm annoyed with myself and I can see where the extra weight went. I really, really would like to get in a leg work-out tomorrow with my husband. I haven't lifted any weights on my legs in three weeks because of trying to stay off my knee. But, I think it may be ready for some weight lifting activity.
Also, I didn't run today, but I also didn't swim...so maybe I will do one of those things tomorrow.
And, yes, folks, I did run pain-free last Friday. I had this awesome post all written up for you and then I ran into some technical difficulties...but I still may try and post it even though it's old...cause you see I was just so excited to be able to run.
There is a race scheduled for January 9, that I may try to race. We'll see as it gets closer.
I also feel like I'm doing more maintaining around here than actual losing. But I suppose part of that was from my derailment from my knee...I definitely did lose some momentum there. This week I need to watch my p's and q's so that I can get back on the losing track.
How is everyone else doing? How was your Christmas?
Sunday, December 27, 2009

weight today: gained one pound
total lost: 8 pounds in almost 14 weeks
1/2 cup of oatmeal:150
1 tsp of sugar:15
1 tbl of powder creamer in tea:30
2 tsp of sugar in tea:30
1 large egg:70
1 large egg white:16
1 lefse:30
a little over 1/2 cup of Blue Bunny Premium Vanilla light icecream:120
1 tsp of chocolates syrup: 20
1 tbl of powder creamer in tea:30
2 tsp of sugar:30
running total: 541
1/2 bag of stroganoff:350
1 slice of Rotella white bread:55
1 tsp of Smart Balance light butter:15
1 tsp of sugar on bread:15
8 oz of wine:150
total: 585
running total: 1,126
1 graham cracker sheet:70
1/2 cup of 1% milk:55
handful of pretzels: 75
1/2 cup of Blue Bunny premium vanilla light ice cream:100
1 tsp of chocolate:20
1 sugar free jello cup:10
2 tbl of light whipping cream:15
running total: 1,471
Today's victory: I stayed below 1,500 calories.
Actual fitness: 4-mile run
Note on weight gain: I think I gained this weight from a few nights ago when I ate a bunch of "theatre popcorn". The good problem is that I am highly annoyed at the gain because I can see on my body where I gained it. So, because of that problem, I'm feeling very motivated to tighten the reins on my consumption.
Note on knees: I ran pain-free a few days ago. But when I ran today, my knees hurt again. So, I think I will take another few days off from running and try to run in the water.
Note on picture: Eating salads is so rare for me these days, that I felt compelled to document it when I ate this today. My husband cut up the carrots for me tonight. Isn't he sweet?
Saturday, December 26, 2009

weight today:gained 1 pound
total lost: 8 pounds in 13 1/2 weeks
1/2 cup of oatmeal:150
1 tsp of sugar:15
1 tbl of creamer in tea:30
2 tsp of sugar in tea:30
total: 225
mocha small: 250
running total: 475
Sweet Onion teriyaki sub:520
1/2 chocolate chip cookie:100
total: 620
running total: 1,095
Jimmy John's turkey sub:422
sips of Pepsi:40
total: 462
running total: 1,557
today's challenge: staying on calorie while out shopping all day.
Actual fitness: Lots of standing and walking around stores
Note on picture: This is the main course meal I had for Christmas Eve Dinner. My mother prepared the meal using smoked home grown turkeys 2 oz-100 cal, home grown mashed potatoes with butter-about 2/3 cup -100 cal, sweet potatoes-2 tbl-35 , and green beans with bacon-2 tbl-40. I estimated about-275 total. And, yes, I did eat more than this for dinner.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Hi everyone!
Did everyone enjoy their Christmas? Did you get the gift you wanted?
Did anyone get a gift they didn't expect to get?
I did.
I ran five miles yesterday.
Ok...let me say that again.
I. ran. five. miles. yesterday.
Pain. free.
Can you say, "Merry Christmas. people?!"
Being able to run, pain-free, yesterday was an unexpected gift. At first, I was going to just run around the block to see if my knee hurt. Last week, when I took a test run to see if it hurt, my knee began hurting after three blocks. So...I figured four blocks would let me know the scoop.
Strangely enough...you wouldn't think a gift would come in such gray overcast weather. But then, that just goes to show you that pretty packaging isn't always indicative of the quality of the gift. When I began my run around the block, it was literally raining outside. The 16 inches of snow that we had recieved a few weeks back were turning into huge messy, snowy, slushy puddles that I was vainly trying to leap over to keep my feet dry. But despite my steeplechase efforts, there was no way I was going to clear 2 to four inch deep puddles spanning a few feet in length without getting wet, so finally I ran on the road where it was drier.
But the conditions didn't get me down. In fact, I was flying high. It didn't hurt to go around that block. So, I kept running. I felt like a million bucks running.
I had missed it so much!
I thought about turning around at a mile to log in just two miles...so as not to push it. Then, I thought about making it three miles...but the "five mile run" idea was just too tempting.
So, I kept running, and I even smiled when I finally completely soaked my shoes when I splashed into one unavoidable puddle.
Let me borrow a phrase from ?,
"Running in the rain...I'm running in the rain. What a glorious feeling...to be happy again"
Ha, ha...I never thought I would enjoy a run so much as I did yesterday when for the past three weeks I couldn't run without pain in my right knee.
I will admit, folks, that my knee does feel "slightly" sore. Maybe I should have just stuck to two miles...
But when God gave me the gift of running...
I guess I got a little excited.
Enjoy your gifts, people...the priceless ones.
Merry Christmas

weight today: same
total lost: 9 pounds in 13 1/2 weeks
2 approx. 5 inch pancakes:250
2 tsp of Smart Balance light butter:30
1 tbl of syrup:35
2 sausages:140
about 1 cup of orange juice:90
handful of oatmeal with sugar and butter pieces: 60
total: 605
Today goal: Would like to get in some cardio. Want to no snack along the day and try to keep close to 1,400 calories.
Planned fitness: up-in-the-air
Note on picture: We went to my parents last night and she served these dates that were split in the middle and stuffed with pecan pieces. Not sure I've ever ate a date. The were very good. But I have a feeling they are high calorie. I estimated one piece to be about 30 calories.
I'm actually feeling a little odd to be taking the time to write a post on Christmas day. But for this particular Christmas we don't have a lot planned for the day except to hang out at home and relax.
That has not always been the case in years past. But it's a nice option to not have to load up all the kids and go somewhere. We did go somewhere last night, however.
My husband is home and everyone is just relaxing and watching Christmas cartoons. My husband fixed pancakes this morning, so I departed from my regular fare of oatmeal and tea and skipped my mid-morning snack to make room for calories for pancakes and sausage and orange juice.
I'd like to try to test out my knees today with a run, but the weather outside is crappy. There is snow on the ground but it has been raining off and on. We'll have to see. Otherwise I suppose I could try jumping jacks, push-ups, bar dips...abs..ect. :)
Well, I your all having a good Christmas today!
Merry Christmas!!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
The Perfect Truffle...A recipe

weight today: gained one pound
total lost: 9 pounds in 13 1/2 weeks
1/2 cup of oatmeal: 150
1 1/2 tsp of sugar:22
1 tbl of powder creamer in tea:30
2 tsp of sugar:30
1/2 cup of brown rice:85
2 tsp of Smart Balance light Butter:30
4 oz Tilapia:93
running total:440
Today's goal: To get in "at least" 30 minute of jumping jacks, to not snack and to save about 500 calories for a nice Christmas Eve dinner tonight.
Actual fitness: none
Note on knees: They feel fine walking around. I'll see how they handle jumping jacks
Note on picture: Remember those red velvet cake and frosting filled chocolate covered truffles? This is what it looks like inside. I'm estimating them to be about 50 calories.
The Perfect Truffle
I am devoting an entire post to the perfect truffle.
And I am even on a diet.
But just because I'm on a diet doesn't mean I can't appreciate a good treat when I see one. Or taste one that is. And this isn't just any treat. Scotcheroos... people know about. Sugar cookies decorated for Christmas we also know. Even fudge...everyone has heard of that.
But have you ever heard of a truffle filled with cake....?
and frosting?!?
SunshineMeg, are you listening? (She's a cake and frosting lover)
I have never heard of, seen, or tasted a cake and frosting filled truffle before!
How ingenious!! My three most favorite ingredients at one time: cake, frosting and chocolate!
Ok, so you already know that one of my husband's co-workers makes these delectable treats each year, and she sent these home with him yesterday, among other treats.
At first I thought it was a chocolate covered cherry because you could see some red on the outside. But it appeared home-made so I was trying to figure out how she pulled that one off. And then when I cracked open the truffle, took a bite...I immediately thought I was eating cake...something...maybe cake batter.
Wow. *big sigh*
Well, when he went back to work from lunch...I later received the recipe. She knew it by heart.
But, then it is pretty simple. Heck. I could make them. Maybe I will.
Maybe you should too...you know... to see what the big fuss is...see how many calories they really are...eat a few and then give the rest away because we're all on a diet here.
At least it's not fried. I wonder how that would taste.
Red Velvet Cake Balls
1 box of red velvet cake
1 container of cream cheese frosting
almond bark/dipping chocolate
Bake cake according to directions on the box. Once cooled, crumble cake in a bowl and add whole container of frosting. Mix frosting and cake together until well blended (using your hands may make this easier). Roll the cake/frosting mixture into small balls. Freeze until solid (they can be refrigerated but freezing makes the dipping a little easier). Take out of the freezer in small batches to dip into chocolate. Set on waxed paper to harden. Drizzle chocolate on top once cooled for extra decoration.
The gal who made this said she's also thinking about trying out variations of this recipi with chocolate cake and chocolate frosting, or carrot cake with cream cheese frosting dipped in white chocolate... now that sounds good.
So, there you have it. I'm thinking about making this next week. I'll let you know how it goes.
Happy Christmas Eve Day!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
I'm Worn Out

weight today: lost one pound
total lost: 10 pounds in 13 weeks
1/2 cup of oatmeal:150
1 tsp of sugar:15
1 tbl of powder creamer in tea:30
2 tsp of sugar in tea:30
total: 225
3 oz chicken breast:105
1/2 cup of brown rice: 85
1 tsp of Smart Balance light butter:15
1 tsp of Mrs. Dash zesty garlic herb marinade:10
running total:440
1 large egg:70
1 large egg white: 16
1 lefse:30
1/2 cup of fat free cottage cheese:80
3 oz of sliced strawberries:27
1 tsp of sugar:15
running total:678
1/2 cup of Blue Bunny premium light vanilla ice cream:100
1 tsp of chocolate syrup:20
1 graham cracker sheet:70
1 tbl of powder creamer in tea:30
2 tsp of sugar in tea:30
running total:978
3 oz chicken breast:105
1/2 cup of brown rice:85
1 tsp of Smart Balance light butter:15
1 tsp of Mrs. Dash Zesty garlic herb marinade:10
running total:1,193
3 oz chicken breast:104
1/2 cup of brown rice:85
1 tsp of Smart Balance light butter:15
1 tsp of Mrs. Dash Zesty Garlic Herb Marinade:10
total: 215
running total: 1,408
Today's victory: Getting to the pool and getting in a cardio work-out finally! Also losing a pound and not snacking too bad today.
Actual fitness: 30 minute of running in the water then about 15-20 minute of swimming laps
Note on knees: Knees did NOT get sore with any of the pool activities.
Note on weight loss: I'm slightly surprised at the loss, though, yesterday the scale looked like it might be leaning toward this loss. I just need to move on now with this loss and not gain it back, which is what I did when I couldn't run. So, hopefully the extra cardio and no snacking will help with that.
Note on picture: Remember when I said I wanted to take a picture of these chocolate covered cream filled Bismark's that I want to eat when I hit my goal weight? Well, the last two times that I went to the bakery in the evening, they were all gone. So, the other night I consoled myself with a picture of a couple chocolate chip cookies. Very Soon, I think I will get a picture of this doughnut for you all. Can anyone estimate the calories on these cookies?
Hello y'all!
Now I'm talking like a country girl.
Well, I went to the pool tonight with my friends. I only had an hour, so immediately I put on a flotation device for the waist and began running in the water. It wasn't too bad at all. I tried to run back and forth and tried to avoid the people that were there to play and have fun in the deep end of the pool.
The last time I ran in the water was in college when I injured my foot. One of the first things I noticed was that I was starting to feel warm while in the water. I took that as a sign that I was getting in a good work-out. About half way through, when I was feeling fatigued, I knew I was getting in a good work-out. Then when I got out of the pool to move to the other side to swim laps, and my legs felt wobbly...that pretty much confirmed that I was getting in a good work-out.
My friend, who was swimming laps had extra goggles and a swim cap for me to use. Lucky me.
So, I put my hair in the swim cap, put on the goggles and got to it.
Don't even ask me what stroke I was swimming. It's the one that makes you look like your swimming and it's not the butterfly. I do know that stroke.
So, I'm swimming along and I'm recalling how to swim from some of my swim lessons in this very pool actually. You put your face down into the water and then breathe when you bring your arms up to reach for another stroke. Then, you breathe out into the water.
The first think I noticed with that method, is that you aren't able to look ahead to see where you're going because you facing downward to breathe out into the water. So, I did feel like I was swimming in a crooked line because a few times I hit the edge of the pool.
Then, after several laps my friend pulled me aside and tried to show me how to breath better. Apparently taking a breath after every stroke is not the recommended breathing pattern. So, She told me you take one breath for every three strokes and then when you do take a breath you try to alternate the sides that you take breaths from.
So, I tried doing that and found that I was running out of air with trying to take a breath every three strokes. So, when I explained that to her. We tried practicing it a bit. Which I think confused me more.
Look people. I just want to swim. It doesn't have to be perfect. How hard can it be to swim a few laps?
Actually I think I may have been getting the hang of it after all. My husband who came in after his work-out to watch a little said I looked like a natural. Ha, Ha. He knows how to stroke my ego. The thing about my husband is he loves the way I look now, and the way I looked then.
But, I digress.
So, I did the best I could. And I wore myself out. That was my plan. I hadn't done cardio in too long. So, I just kept swimming, and swerving and breathing erratically and breathing mostly on one side...but I wore myself out.
It was great!
If you can sweat in the water, I think I did.
As I sit here, my arms are sore and I even feel the work-out in my legs. I think I'll be sleeping well tonight. The plan is to repeat this Thursday morning.
I'm not giving up on my legs yet, though. Maybe I can get in a little weight lifting leg work-out on Thursday too.
Hope you are all having a great week! Good night!
Monday, December 21, 2009
A Random Note

weight today: same
total lost:9 pound in 13 weeks
1/2 cup of oatmeal: 150
1 tsp of sugar:15
1tbl of powder creamer in tea:30
2 tsp of sugar:30
total: 225
1/4 graham cracker:15
1 cup of Special K cereal:120
1/2 cup of 1% milk:60
1 tsp of sugar:15
running total: 420
1 large egg: 70
1 large egg white:16
1 lefse:30
1/2 cup of fat free cottage cheese:80
3 oz of sliced strawberries:27
1 tsp of sugar:15
total: 248
running total:668
1/2 cup of Blue Bunny Premium vanilla light ice cream:100
1 tsp of chocolate syrup:20
1 slice of Rotella Italian bread:55
1 tsp of Smart Balance light butter:15
2 tsp of natural peanut butter:66
1/2 graham cracker square:35
1 tbl of powder creamer in tea:30
2 tsp of sugar in tea:30
total: 351
running total:1,019
3 oz chicken breast:105
1 tsp of Mrs. Dash zesty garlic herb marinade sauce: 10
1/2 cup of brown rice:85
1 tsp of Smart Balance light butter:15
total: 215
running total:1,234
3 oz chicken breast:105
1/2 cup of brown rice:85
1 tsp of Smart Balance light butter: 15
1 tsp of Mrs. Dash Zesty Garlic Herb Marinade Sauce:10
running total:1,449
Today's victory: I put up the snacky food up high again where I couldn't reach it and I didn't snack again. I did snack a little on my son's graham crackers, which I still need to work through not snacking on those, but overall I am very pleased.
Actual fitness: 60 minute bicep and back work-out, abdominals.
Note on knees: While at the gym, I tried doing a few squats on the Smith Machine with just the bar and was able to do it pain free while going down and then there was the very slightest pain when I was bending my knees to push up from the squatting position. I was rather excited about this. I'd like to still try to get in something for a leg work-out this week. It is a pretty hectic week with it being Christmas, so we'll see.
Note on picture: This is the first day that I tried out Mrs. Dash's zesty garlic herb marinade sauce. I didn't use it to marinade anything. I just put it on my chicken. In this picture, this is only one teaspoon. It was plenty for a 3 oz chicken breast. There was plenty of great taste...definitely "zesty". It even had a hint of sweet fruit taste to it, but yet there was a nice garlic zip to it. Very interesting. Mrs. Dash is great because there's no salt, plus it's only ten calories to add it to my chicken breast. I'll be trying out Mrs. Dash's other marinade flavors.
Hi, everyone!
I don't know about you, but I've been tired and busy lately. I've been working on trying to get more sleep. But I have a few post ideas floating around in my head, but between taking care of four kids at home, working out at night and the holiday season with guests and all, I've been too tired to put out a nice post.
Hopefully I'll remedy that soon.
Also I have plans with a friend to make it to "the pool" tomorrow night. So, I'll have to let you know how that went. I have this idea in my head that I want to spend about 20 minutes running in the water then the next 20 minutes swimming laps.
The funny thing about this is, that I don't think I've really ever "swam laps" in my life. I have this idea in my head that I might get worn out doing it in the first five minutes. Ha, Ha. Also, I don't own a swim cap so I'll have to pick one up so that my hair doesn't get ruined from the chlorine.
How is everyone's week going? Got any fun Christmas plans. We're planning on going to my parent's house for Christmas Eve...the only problem is that there is talk of this big snow storm brewing on that very day...so we'll have to see how that goes.
Now, if I could run...I'd probably try and slip in a five mile run on Christmas Day. Instead maybe what I should do is just jump in place to work up a sweat. One of my newest blog followers Sherah, who has seven children, does these jump rope work-outs that sound like good cardio work.
The reason I wouldn't jump rope is because I don't own a jump rope and plus I'm not sure I'd have enough jump rope clearance. But I can jump in place. I actually tried it a few days ago and my right knee didn't hurt. Maybe because jumping in place shares distributes the body weight to two feet instead of just one.
And, no, I'm not taking a picture of me jumping in place.
In case you were wondering.
Well, I hope you're all having a good week!
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Weight today: same
total lost: 9 pounds in about 13 weeks
1/2 cup of oatmeal:150
1 tsp of sugar:15
1 tbl of powder creamer in tea:30
2 tsp of sugar in tea:30
1/2 a slice of bacon:30
1 pancake:100
1 tsp of Smart Balance light butter:15
2 tsp of syrup:25
1/2 cup of orange juice:55
1 Jimmy Johns turkey sub with no mayo, with cheese and Dijon mustard:422
sips of husbands mocha: 40
running total: 912
4 oz chicken breast:140
2 oz dry spaghetti:200
1 tsp of Smart Balance light butter:15
1/2 slice of son's garlic bread:70
1 Blue Bunny Jolly Rancher bomb pop:40
running total:1,377
Today's victory: I put the opened "snacky" type foods up first thing this morning and .....I didn't snack. It felt weird not snacking, but when I couldn't I just did something else. My calories are much more in line because of that.
Actual fitness: none
Note on picture: My husband made the kids pancakes for breakfast. Because we ate a little late, I had a pancake with 1/2 a slice of bacon and used it for my mid-morning snack. I estimated this pancake to be 100 calories, the bacon 30, the one teaspoon of Smart Balance light butter 15, and the syrup-25 for a total of 170. The pancake tasted great!
Saturday, December 19, 2009

weight today: lost one pound
total lost: 9 pounds in 12 1/2 weeks
1/2 cup of oatmeal: 150
1 tsp of sugar: 15
1 tbl of powder creamer in tea:30
2 tsp of sugar:30
snack on pretzels: 40
Subway Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki with cheese:520
bites of son's blueberry scone: 45
running total:830
1/2 graham cracker sheet:35
1 1/2 cups of Special K cereal:180
3/4 cup of 1% milk:90
1 1/2 tsp of sugar: 22
some more Snyder Hanover pretzels: 60
running total: 1,217
2 slices of thin crust sausage Mediterranean pizza (it had olives, artichokes, feta cheese): (300 est)
bite of husband's giant pretzel: 20
running total:1,557
1 tbl of powder creamer in tea: 30
2 tsp of sugar in tea:30
bites of a few pretzels and chips:45
total: 105
running total: 1,662
today's challenge: My constant challenge is always the whole trying to keep myself from snacking thing. I didn't put up the snack-y type of foods and I should have done that.
Actual fitness: 1 1/4 mile run to the gym. chest and triceps work-out, abdominals
Note on knees: Well, I tried running today to see how my knees handled it. I didn't feel any pain the first 2 to 3 blocks. Then I began to feel the pain in my right knee. I will say... the pain tonight was less than the pain from this same run a week earlier. However, once the pain starts it doesn't stop until I stop running. Also, I tried doing a leg extension tonight at the gym and compared to when I tried a leg extension over a week ago...it felt much better. I was also able to do calf raises tonight.
So, here's my assessment. I think my knees are healing, but they're not ready for me to run yet. Also, I may be able to do some weight lifting leg exercises. So, next week I may devote a day to just trying out what weight lifting leg exercises I can do. Also, I know I keep talking about this, but I need to get in the pool to see if I can burn some calories with cardio in the water.
Note on weight loss: I'd like to say I know why I lost that pound, but I don't. I've been playing tug-a-war with this pound for a little bit now. Hopefully when I kick up the cardio, I can kick off the next pound.
Note on photo: Subway's sweet onion chicken teriyaki. I've really been enjoying this sub as a change-up from Jimmy John's turkey sub. However, I may have to change back because they are more calories. With the cheese, this sub is 520. Comparatively Jimmy John's sub the way I order it is 422 calories.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Dear Husband, Please, No More Reeses Puffs

weight today: gained one pound
total lost: 8 pounds in 12 1/2 weeks
1/2 cup of oatmeal:150
1 tsp of sugar: 15
1 tbl of powder creamer in tea:30
2 tsp of sugar:30
2 tsp of creamer in coffee:20
2 tsp of sugar in coffee:30
2 tsp of creamer in 2nd coffee:20
2 tsp of sugar in 2nd coffee:30
2 1/2 to 3 cup of Reeses Puffs: 480
1 1/2 cup of 1% milk:180
total: 660
running total:885
2 slices of Rotella bread:110
2 1 1/2 tsp of Smart Balance light butter:22
some chips: 40
running total: 1,057
1 1/4 cup of Frosted shredded mini-wheats:225
3/4 cup of 1% milk:90
running total: 1,372
handful of Snyder Hanover's yogurt covered pretzels: 120
running total: 1,492
Today's challenge: I was very tired today and so I had some coffee and I didn't eat very well. I think after I added everything up it wasn't as bad as I thought it was, but still not a good eating day for me.
Actual fitness:none Also, wanted to note that this week has been busy with our family having things happening in the evenings, at least three times this week. The evening is when I normally get in my work-outs. So, that has affected my ability to get into the gym. I plan on getting my chests and triceps work-out in on Saturday and hopefully maybe even some swimming.
Note on having caffeine today: So...today I was super, super tired. Like I was going to fall asleep at the helm of watching four kids, tired. So, I made a coffee and then another...just to make sure. Yes, it woke me up and I actually got some cleaning done, but I made a few observations.
I started getting that stomach upset thing shortly after the second coffee...Ahh....haaa... and I started to crash from the caffeine high in the afternoon and had to take an "emergency nap". So, the lesson here is clear...I need to make sure I get my sleep and also set up a situation so that I can take naps in the afternoon if need be.
Note on knees: I started having this strange pain on my left leg below my knee... Also, my right knee still feels a little sore so I'm definitely going to have to get some swimming in.
Note on weight gain: Not really surprised. But as soon as I can get some cardio in, I anticipate dropping these two pounds I gained, maybe even by the end of next week.
Note on picture: I finished off this box of Reeses Puffs today. I ate the whole box in like three days. It's 120 calories per 3/4 a cup. At least now they're gone.
Happy Friday everyone!
You read correctly.
I ate this entire box of Reeses Puffs cereal. All by myself. In about three days.
When we go grocery shopping my husband will pick up cereal that he thinks the kids will like to eat. They never really eat this cereal for breakfast because I always fix them oatmeal. This cereal is actually for the nights when things are hectic, I am tired and I don't feel like cooking. On those nights we'll pull out boxes of cereal to feed them because it's simple and relatively stress free.
Well, I told him tonight that I don't think he should buy this kind of cereal anymore because I ate the whole box.
He stops what he's doing and goes, "You ate the entire box?!?"
Ha, Ha, Ha. It does sound pretty pigging-out-ish. Doesn't it?
My one consolation to that fact is that it took me three days to do it and I at least measured and counted my servings so that I wasn't just diving into the box headlong without even coming up for air.
This cereal with milk is like eating a piece of chocolate cake or something. It has this wonderfully smooth chocolate and peanut butter taste. Add milk and I feel like a drug addict getting my fix. Love it. Love it.
I don't quite feel that way with say Kix, or honey nut cheerios, or Frosted mini wheats...I mean if you think about it...it tastes more like a sinful indulgence than cereal.
So, just like the Blue Bunny "bunny tracks", the "low calorie" ice cream that was tempting me beyond my means to withstand it, it, also, must go.
Good by Reese's Puffs...maybe I'll see you on the other side of the next seven pounds that I have to lose.
Thursday, December 17, 2009

weight today: same
total lost: 9 pounds in 12 weeks
1/2 cup of oatmeal:150
1 tsp of sugar:15
1 tbl of powder creamer in tea: 30
2 tsp of sugar:30
1 xtra large egg:80
1 lefse:30
1/2 cup of fat free cottage cheese:80
3 oz of sliced strawberries:27
1 tsp of sugar:15
handful of chips:70
total: 302
running total: 527
3/4 cup of premium Blue Bunny vanilla light ice cream:150
1 tsp of syrup:20
1 1/2 cup of Reese Puffs cereal:240
3/4 cup of 1% milk: 90
running total: 1,027
1 cup of Reese Puff's cereal:160
1/2 cup of 1 % milk: 60
running total: 1,227
2- four to six ounce glasses of wine: 200
running total: 1,427
1 cup of Reeses Puff's cereal:160
1/2 cup of 1%milk:60
1/2 cup of Blue Bunny Premium light ice cream:100
1 tsp of chocolate:20
total: 340
running total: 1,767
Today's goal: My goal today was to not snack. So, I put the snacks up high enough that I couldn't reach them. I feel like I did a good job of that. I've been hankering the Reeses Puff's cereal so I was trying to not go overboard with eating it, so that's why I measured it out. The part where I should have restrained myself today was snacking with over 300 calories in the evening.
Actual fitness: none. I'm a slacker.
Note on knees: I think they are healing. However...today when I was sitting reading a book with my knees in a bent position...and then after a while I unbent them...they felt sore and in pain. Sitting the way I sat is probably the true test of how much better my knees are feeling because of how bent they are. So, I think there is more healing that needs to happen. On a positive note, The fact that I can sit with my knees bent like that, at all, is an improvement. Also, when I was dancing around in the kitchen to some music tonight, my knees felt decent, but after a bit I noticed they did start to throb a bit.
Looks like I'll be donning a swimsuit folks and learning how to swim...and run in the water. I think I'll try to run tomorrow to see how the knee feels. Maybe I'll do that during lunch.
Note on picture: Remember when I said I'd pick up some more vanilla type of teas. I came across this on the last shopping trip. I've only had one so far and so I need to have a few more to decide if it's better than Twining's vanilla chai tea.
Hey, I think I might need a taste test to decide what is the better vanilla chai tea.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
From 12 to 18 to 20 Weeks

weight today: same
total lost: 9 pounds in 12 weeks
1/2 cup of oatmeal:150
1 tps of sugar: 15
1 tbl of powder creamer in tea: 30
2 tsp of sugar:30
total: 225
3 oz chicken breast:105
1/2 cup of brown rice: 85
1 tsp of Smart Balance Light butter:15
running total: 470
1 xtra large egg:80
1 xtra large egg white: 20
1/2 cup of fat free cottage cheese:80
3 oz of sliced strawberries:27
1 tsp of sugar15
1 tbl of powder creamer in tea:30
2 tsp of sugar:30
running total:782
1/2 cup of brown rice:85
1 1/2 oz of chicken:53
1 tsp of Smart Balance light butter:15
1 tbl of powder creamer in tea:30
2 tsp of sugar: 30
1/2 graham cracker:15
running total: 1,000
2 cup of Reeses Puffs cereal:320
1 cup of 1% milk:110
running total:1,430
Today's goal: My goal for today was to stop the snacking. So, what I did was to put up...way up so that I needed a stool to get them...all the bags of snacks that were opened. Unopened bags of snacks don't tempt me as much because there is this invisible barrier that I have to cross to open them up. But opened bags of snack type of foods seem "harmless". So, I put up all opened bags of things that tempt me. I feel like it worked much better.
Planned fitness: I had planned to go to the gym tonight, but that would require walking to the gym and I'm thinking about giving my legs till Friday before I test them out. So, I'm thinking about doing abs tonight.
Note on knees: Yesterday afternoon I was feeling like my knees felt much better, but then after sitting for a bit...when I got up they felt sore again. Today...I do feel like they are getting better. Walking down the stairs...feels better. Sitting down in a squatting position almost feels normal. I'm actually getting a little excited about it, like, hey, maybe I'll be able to run by this weekend.
Note on picture: I actually bought this tea a few weeks ago and didn't try it out until this morning. I think the reason I was holding off was because I've never used the "Stash" name ...like stash...trash. Wow, was I wrong. This pumpkin spice is the bomb. I hope they have some more left in this flavor when I go back. I think it actually tastes better than the "Twinings" Pumpkin Spice from three or four weeks ago...that I can't seem to find any more of at the store.
Sorry to keep switching things up on everyone, but I've decided to add a few more weeks to give myself enough time to lose these last six pounds. Lil' Miss Blogger suggested it, and it does make sense. I'm not doing quite a pound a week loss average, so that would be pushing it to try and drop six pounds in six weeks.
Also, as my weight gets lower, it may take longer to drop it.
Also...the end of the additional eight weeks ends on a significant date. February 7, 2010. I've mentioned before how I like to use significant dates as helpful ways to stay motivated and to shoot for something.
What happens on this date?
My husband and I celebrate our 100 month anniversary, plus it's one week before Valentines Day. Yes, I know, we celebrated our eight year anniversary in October, but we also like to acknowledge the seventh of each month as another month that we've been married. We've been doing this since we got married...oh...98 months ago.
And...it's not everyday that someone is married for 100 months...heck...or 99 months for that matter. I suppose to make it even more fun we could count days....ok..maybe not.
So, that seems like a good reason to stretch things out to 20 weeks.
Lil' Miss Blogger also suggested sending my weight loss story to a magazine...anybody got any suggestions of what magazine might be interested?
Can you read it now..."Mother of five kids...turns into a diet desperado and becomes an outlaw in the world of dieting...read on about how she dropped each pound with the deadly aim of her shiny six shooter.." ha, ha... Tell me that isn't a little funny.
Have a nice night everyone.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Waiting and Scab Picking

weight today: same
total lost: 9 pounds in 12 weeks
1/2 cup of oatmeal: 150
1 tsp of sugar:15
1 tbl of powder creamer in tea:30
2 tsp of sugar:30
1/2 graham cracker sheet: 35
3 oz of chicken breast:105
1/2 cup of brown rice:85
1 tsp of Smart Balance light butter:15
running total: 465
1 xtra large egg: 80
1 xtra large egg white:20
1 lefse:30
1 cup of Blue Bunny premium light ice cream:200
2 tsp of chocolate syrup: 40
total: 370
running total: 835
1 tbl of powder creamer in tea: 30
2 tsp of sugar:30
handful of pretzels:100
1/2 cup of 1% milk: 55
1 1/2 cups of Reeses Puffs cereal: 240
running total: 1,230
1 cup of Reeses Puffs cereal: 160
3/4 cup of 1% milk: 80
1/2 graham cracker sheet:35
running total:1,505
Today's challenge: snacking
Actual fitness: none
Note on picture: Had some fresh strawberries the other day. Still love fresh strawberries sprinkled with sugar. 3 oz is 27 calories with 1 tsp of sugar-15 total: 42
Note on emotions: I can't deny that I'm feeling a little bummed that I can't run. I ended up not getting to the gym tonight, so I'll have to make sure to hit it tomorrow with an arm work-out or better yet a good swim work-out. Now, I just need to try on my swimsuit and hopefully it fits half-way decent. As for the scab, it's healing great, but it's really hard to not pick at it. Are any of you scab pickers out there? I tell my kids not to pick their scabs, but there's just something sick and twisted that it's hard to stop myself from doing it.
Don't worry I finally stopped.
Have a nice Wednesday y'all.
Monday, December 14, 2009
12 Weeks To 18 Weeks

weight today: same
total lost: 9 pounds in 12 weeks
1/2 cup of oatmeal:150
1/2 tsp of sugar:15
1 tbl of powder creamer in tea:30
2 tsp of sugar in tea:30
3 oz chicken breast:105
1/2 cup of brown rice:85
1 tsp of Smart Balance light butter:15
hand full of pretzels:70
running total:500
1 large egg:80
1 large egg white:20
1 lefse:30
1/2 cup of cottage cheese:80
3 oz sliced strawberries:27
1 tsp of sugar:15
1 tbl of powder creamer in tea:30
2 tsp of sugar:30
1/2 graham cracker sheet:35
running total: 822
1 hazelnut pirouline:50
3 Dove chocolate caramels:132
1/2 graham cracker sheet:35
some pretzels:60
running total:1,099
3 oz chicken breast: 105
1/2 cup of brown rice:85
1 tsp of Smart Balance light butter:15
some of son's taco: 45
1 Blue Bunny Bomb pop:40
running total: 1,389
3 oz chicken breast:105
1/2 cup of brown rice: 85
1 tsp of Smart Balance light butter:15
1/2 cup of Blue Bunny light ice cream: 100
1 tsp of chocolate syrup:20
running total: 1,714
Today's challenge: over-eating and snacking all day. I couldn't stay out of the Snyder Hanover pretzels. What I need to do is put all those open bags of salty stuff up high because I won't get into it if it's closed.
Actual fitness: 60 minute chest and triceps work-out with abdominals routine.
Note on knees: Wow, did it feel good to get into the gym today and sweat. My right knee is still in pain so I didn't exercise my legs. I may try to do some swimming or jogging in the water in the next day or two to start burning some calories.
Note on picture: This is for all you soup lovers out there. This is my mom's home made smoked turkey soup that she brought over for lunch on Sunday. It tasted wonderful and I'm sure is also very low calorie.
If you haven't noticed my little countdown, I've officially completed twelve weeks and have lost nine pounds.
I feel like I should have lost closer to ten to eleven pounds if I had stuck to my diet like glue. There were several 2,000 calorie days in those weeks that I think has impacted the total weight lost. Also , for the last eight days, I haven't been able to run.
However, I have been pleased with the results that I've seen in body with the loss of these nine pounds. In fact, it's amazing to me how much even one pound can be seen in my body. What's also interesting and perhaps not so amazing is how I can also see and will notice when I've gained a pound.
Like tonight, I have this bad feeling that I may gain a pound by tomorrow morning. I hope not. But I'm not doing any cardio...so I could. And I haven't been eating the best. Also, I've seen how not running and weight lifting my legs has impacted and shifted the shape of my lower body. It's perhaps not enough for just anybody observing me can notice, but I can tell cause I see my body everyday.
When I started again 12 weeks ago, I wanted to lose another 12 pounds after the initial twenty pounds that I lost. I'm still three pounds away from that goal. But since I've been around this weight for a several weeks now, I've decided to readjust my goal to losing three more pounds to bring my goal weight to 15 pounds. With the twenty I've lost, combined with wanting to lose another 15, that means I will have lost 35 pounds altogether.
So...I've decided to add six more weeks to the 12 weeks to give myself enough of a timely challenge to focus on. Another added challenge in this whole scenario is that I am injured and so at present I cannot run or weight train my legs until the "contusion to the knee" stops hurting me. So, hopefully when I try swimming or running in the water, my knee won't hurt.
I think once I hit this goal weight I'll stop, and go for trying to maintain. Another idea I've kicked around with my husband is training and preparing for a body building fitness competition. But those things are expensive and you know how cheap I am...so we'll see.
So, anyway, the 18th week would end on January 24.
Also, what I'm thinking about doing is along the way adding some progress pictures. There really has been a dramatic difference in my body since I've lost nine pounds compared to the pictures I shared with everyone 12 weeks ago. So, I may be doing more progress pictures to let you see how even one or two pounds really does make a difference...unless of course I gain weight and then we won't show those pictures. ha, ha. Um, sorry about that...we are not gaining...just losing here folks.
Alright. Everyone have a nice night...morning...or day!
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Saturday, December 12, 2009
A Little Feel Good Story

weight today: gained one pound
total lost: 9 pounds in almost 12 weeks
1/2 cup of oatmeal:150
1 tsp of sugar: 15
1 tbl of powder creamer with tea:30
2 tsp of sugar:30
3 slices of Happy Joes pizza
1 square pepperoni thin crust:200
1 sausage square thicker crust: 300
1 small slice thicker crust sausage:250
1/2 cup of 2% milk: 60
running total: 935
Jimmy John's sub with turkey, cheese, Dijon mustard and no mayo:422
bites of son's blueberry scone and chocolate chip cookie: 75
total: 492
running total: 1,427
1 chocolate hazelnut Pirouline:50
4 oz of sliced strawberries:36
1 tsp of sugar:15
6 to 8 oz glass of white wine: 125
total: 226
running total: 1,653
Today's challenge: Um...the pizza. I should have stopped with one. But, man it tasted so good. I was on the third piece before I thought about taking a picture. I was at my husband's work party and I guess I was not expecting there to be pizza there. I should have had a plan.
Actual fitness: none. That 5K walk is actually tomorrow. I went there today and no one was around. Daa.... Went on the wrong day.
Note on knees: I'm feeling like I need to resist using my knees until all the soreness is gone so that I don't prolong the heeling process. I hate doing this because I'm worried about gaining weight, but I know I'll hate it even more if this takes even longer to heal because I didn't allow them to heal. This is going to sound weird, but I can actually see some of my belly fat and fat in other places returning. Some pants I just bought are fitting differently. All that running and those leg work-outs really do sculpt my body and melt the fat away. I hate not being able to just "take off" outside for a quick 5-miler. But I have to wait....and somehow stop myself from over-eating.
Note on picture: I don't curl my hair very often, wear earrings or get dressed up. I had a little more time today to look nice for my husband's work party and so this is how I turned out. Figured you all might appreciate seeing Sunshine Mama looking good. I had my husband take more photos...so I might start sharing some of those as well.
I've had this little story to share with you all for awhile now, but haven't done it because...I didn't want it to come across as bragging. Then, yesterday it occurred to me that what happened and what I'm about to tell you is a result of all the hard work that I've put into myself. In fact, I should share this story with you so that you can see how my world has changed slightly because of the changes that I've worked hard to make. Maybe this will encourage you. Maybe it will make you feel proud of me. Maybe it will inspire you that it's never too late to work on yourself, and improve on yourself.
Ok, enough build up.
About three weeks ago, my husband and I attended a show where my brother-in-law was performing with four other folk-type singers. It was a fantastic round-table session where each took turns singing and talking.
Anyway, I got dressed up in this "little black sleeveless dress" that I haven't been able to wear in literally years. Because it was cool, I wore a long-sleeve half shirt/sweater to keep warm. During the intermission when out near the sales counter visiting with my sister, I was feeling warm so I took off my sweater shirt.
Again I don't want to brag, but I don't need to flex for people to see that my arms look great.
After we sat back down, a gal who was sitting nearby, and had struck up conversation with earlier turns to me and says,
"What do you do?"
I think I said something like, "What do you mean?"
Now understand this gal is about 24, beautiful herself and not at all overweight. She goes,
"Your arms, do you do yoga or something?!?"
That's when I tried to explain that I lift weights. She said she loves seeing nice arms. Folks, it was all I could do not to say, "Would you like to see me flex?" Ha, ha, but I didn't. I didn't even think about telling her about my diet blog.
Then, later after the show at the sales counter, I was talking to one of the singers about one of his songs. The kind of people that my brother-in-law and sister hang out with are very, as my husband would say, "metro-type" people. They are very socially conscious and I suppose I may even be stereo-typing a little here, but I don't think they're into "big families." But, you never know, I could be wrong.
But, I don't think my current physic perhaps meshes with "their" stereotype of the mother of a "big family".
My nearby husband knows this and so can't resist adding to the conversation that I'm a mother of five kids.
Yes, me...little hot mama in a black little dress. Maybe a college student, but not a mom of five.
You should have seen the look on this guy's face as he flounders and gasps with, "wow, you look great!! ( and a few other compliments that I can't recall...and then..."how old are you?!?"
That last was just a bonus one because I definitely look younger than my age, and the recent weight loss has helped with that. Also, I think there is this idea that if you have five kids you should look old.
Well, the conversation ended shortly and he left with a funny little quip, "excuse me, while I go and have five kids."
So, there you go folks! Wasn't that fun? I wanted to share this with you, because these conversations would not have happened 25 weeks ago when I started this journey. I believe that a big component of my success is being accountable on this blog. It really motivates me and helps me to stay focused where if I wasn't doing this blog, I might otherwise think that I had gone far enough. Reading your encouraging words and seeing the challenges that others are going through, and also seeing that I'm impacting other people's lives has impacted the outcome of my success.
Thank you.
That's another reason why I might start putting out more pictures of myself. So, that you all can see how I am enjoying the fruits of my labor...which you are part of.
Have a great night and weekend!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Not Racing Tomorrow