Hello friends!
I have only a few minutes to mention that we had a special visitor come to our house on Christmas Eve....
Unfortunately...Daddy Rainmaker was out to the store for some errands when our visitor made his appearance.
But when he came back he heard ALL about Santa Clauses' surprise visit.
Some of the kids even thought that Santa Clause looked like Daddy Rainmaker. But then my mom, who was there, pointed out that it couldn't have been Daddy Rainmaker because he doesn't have a big belly.
Hmm...good point.
I hope you all had a good Christmas!
Thank you for the congrats on the girl. We are all still very excited!
Talk later!
Sunshine Mama
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
And The baby Is A.....
Hi friends!
Ok, since I have more than five minutes here at the library, I will share the ultra sound story.
We invited my parents to come to the ultrasound along with all of our children being there as well. I wasn't sure if my mom had ever seen an ultra sound and I knew she would probably enjoy it. (Both of them liked it a lot)
When we arrived there and they called me back to the room, we were quite the troupe of people heading to the small ultra sound room...four adults and six children.. The lady mentioned that only two or three people are usually allowed. I wondered where it said that and she said it says that online. I explained that we had brought all the kids last time to the ultra sound and was never told not to. Plus, nothing was ever explained to me at my last appointment about any rules on the number of people. But everything went fine as everyone stayed quiet for the most part.
Now...I should explain that after having three straight boys...all the kids wanted a girl. But I think all of the adults, myself, my husband and my dad were thinking it was probably going to be a boy even though we were hoping for a girl. Right before going into the room, my mom decided to guess a girl. As the ultra sound went along, the baby looked healthy.
Then, the technician switched over to 3-D with new equipment that they did not have last year. So, we were able to actually see the baby's face. At one point, our ever optimistic Iris Anna, 7, says, "She looks like a girl!"
Meanwhile, I thought I had seen something that indicated a boy. So did my dad. So, my dad, my husband and I were expecting a boy.
Then like a miracle from heaven she types in....GIRL !!!!!
I was shocked. I felt like crying. "Are you sure?!", I said, "because I thought I saw a little something."
So she takes me to that area and explains what I'm seeing. Still I asked for more reassurance. And she said that with this new 3-D machine there is no doubt what "she" is.
I just felt so overwhelmed with happiness and joy. We all are, and can't believe how God has blessed our family.
We are still walking around the house amazed at this little sister, daughter that is on her way in May.
As of right now we are not sharing the name with the kids and family to keep it as a surprise. But I am looking forward to shopping for little girl clothes since I gave away all little baby girl clothes a few years ago.
Right now I am about 20 weeks along and have gained about 20 pounds. I would like to slow that down as I am feeling a little winded walking up stairs and such. But altogether I am feeling energetic and focused on the all that needs to be done before our little girl arrives.
Thank you for reading!
Sunshine Mama
Ok, since I have more than five minutes here at the library, I will share the ultra sound story.
We invited my parents to come to the ultrasound along with all of our children being there as well. I wasn't sure if my mom had ever seen an ultra sound and I knew she would probably enjoy it. (Both of them liked it a lot)
When we arrived there and they called me back to the room, we were quite the troupe of people heading to the small ultra sound room...four adults and six children.. The lady mentioned that only two or three people are usually allowed. I wondered where it said that and she said it says that online. I explained that we had brought all the kids last time to the ultra sound and was never told not to. Plus, nothing was ever explained to me at my last appointment about any rules on the number of people. But everything went fine as everyone stayed quiet for the most part.
Now...I should explain that after having three straight boys...all the kids wanted a girl. But I think all of the adults, myself, my husband and my dad were thinking it was probably going to be a boy even though we were hoping for a girl. Right before going into the room, my mom decided to guess a girl. As the ultra sound went along, the baby looked healthy.
Then, the technician switched over to 3-D with new equipment that they did not have last year. So, we were able to actually see the baby's face. At one point, our ever optimistic Iris Anna, 7, says, "She looks like a girl!"
Meanwhile, I thought I had seen something that indicated a boy. So did my dad. So, my dad, my husband and I were expecting a boy.
Then like a miracle from heaven she types in....GIRL !!!!!
I was shocked. I felt like crying. "Are you sure?!", I said, "because I thought I saw a little something."
So she takes me to that area and explains what I'm seeing. Still I asked for more reassurance. And she said that with this new 3-D machine there is no doubt what "she" is.
I just felt so overwhelmed with happiness and joy. We all are, and can't believe how God has blessed our family.
We are still walking around the house amazed at this little sister, daughter that is on her way in May.
As of right now we are not sharing the name with the kids and family to keep it as a surprise. But I am looking forward to shopping for little girl clothes since I gave away all little baby girl clothes a few years ago.
Right now I am about 20 weeks along and have gained about 20 pounds. I would like to slow that down as I am feeling a little winded walking up stairs and such. But altogether I am feeling energetic and focused on the all that needs to be done before our little girl arrives.
Thank you for reading!
Sunshine Mama
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Just a quick post friends!
I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving. Turkey day turned into a little bit of turkey week for me. But the good news is that I have already worked out twice this week and three times last week. So, now I'm trying to reign back in my diet.
I also have exciting news. We will get an ultrasound done this Friday to see baby and find out whether it is a boy or girl.
I will share more when I can. Thank you for reading folks!
Sunshine Mama
I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving. Turkey day turned into a little bit of turkey week for me. But the good news is that I have already worked out twice this week and three times last week. So, now I'm trying to reign back in my diet.
I also have exciting news. We will get an ultrasound done this Friday to see baby and find out whether it is a boy or girl.
I will share more when I can. Thank you for reading folks!
Sunshine Mama
Monday, November 21, 2011
Back On Track
Hello friends!
The weekend out-of-town bodybuilding visitors encouraged me!
Isn't it weird how when super in-shape people come to visit you, you wish you were at your prime too? But at this point of my life, I happened to have gained about 13 pounds and stopped working out for the past several weeks.
And even though I didn't want them to see me like this...I'm glad they came.
They were the boost I needed to start eating healthy again.
We all went to the gym together on Sunday. So, not only did I get in a work-out, but I got in a good few dozen great tips on proper form.
She also gave me a diet plan...which I incorporated today.
So, I ate clean today and already I feel so much better. I plan to make it to the gym tonight as well.
I'm realizing that sometimes we all need a little help in our life. And letting a person help you can perhaps improve you in ways you wouldn't have imagined.
Thank you for all your encouragement. It really means a lot to me. I'll let you know how everything goes.
Remember to not give up on yourself.
Sunshine Mama
The weekend out-of-town bodybuilding visitors encouraged me!
Isn't it weird how when super in-shape people come to visit you, you wish you were at your prime too? But at this point of my life, I happened to have gained about 13 pounds and stopped working out for the past several weeks.
And even though I didn't want them to see me like this...I'm glad they came.
They were the boost I needed to start eating healthy again.
We all went to the gym together on Sunday. So, not only did I get in a work-out, but I got in a good few dozen great tips on proper form.
She also gave me a diet plan...which I incorporated today.
So, I ate clean today and already I feel so much better. I plan to make it to the gym tonight as well.
I'm realizing that sometimes we all need a little help in our life. And letting a person help you can perhaps improve you in ways you wouldn't have imagined.
Thank you for all your encouragement. It really means a lot to me. I'll let you know how everything goes.
Remember to not give up on yourself.
Sunshine Mama
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Confessions, Visitors and Encouragement
Hello there!
Ok, let's get the confession out first.
I didn't do any running last week. or working out. or anything.
So, anyway I've gained at least 10 pounds now.
And, then, to make matters worse,... we have this awesome body building couple coming to visit our family this weekend.
ok...I know you have all been complimentary of my determinism in the "working out" arena but we are talking about a gal who can squat 500 pounds and leg press 1,000 pounds. No, I'm not giving out her name because that might implicate my identity..."ha, like anyone cares"...
Her boyfriend is the funniest guy and he can leg press 2,000 pounds. And I repeat I am not making these numbers up. So, amidst being so excited about their visit...I'm also having these irrational, "but I'm not eating clean thoughts."
Isn't that the dumbest thing you have ever heard? I have an excuse even...I'm pregnant...which we're telling them this weekend. In fact, the only reason for my abrupt stop in working out was because of exhaustion ....induced by my pregnancy.
A very happy reason.
I was so exhausted that I would stumble into bed with all of my clothes on...even my shoes...sleep 10 or so hours. And then after only a few hours of being awake...I wanted to fall asleep again.
But fortunately that awefulness has passed. I'm much more awake and interested in the world around me. And now I'm trying to figure out a way to trick myself into exercising again...and eating better.
Hmm.... so that's my update.
I have great empathy for everyone who is trying to lose weight, exercise, stay in shape, eat clean...because I know it is so challenging. It is challenging to me.
But today I found encouragement in the most unexpected place.
Lately I have been fighting a chest cough. So, this morning my thoughtful husband brought me a Halls cough drop. On the outside of the individually wrapped drop were these words,
"Don't give up on yourself."
I wonder if they have any idea how much a word of encouragement can really help boost the spirit.
I read more words, "You've survived tougher."
"Don't wait a precious minute."
If you're reading this..."Thanks Halls!"
I liked the "Don't give up on yourself" best.
Remember, friends, you're doing better than you think.
Sunshine Mama
Ok, let's get the confession out first.
I didn't do any running last week. or working out. or anything.
So, anyway I've gained at least 10 pounds now.
And, then, to make matters worse,... we have this awesome body building couple coming to visit our family this weekend.
ok...I know you have all been complimentary of my determinism in the "working out" arena but we are talking about a gal who can squat 500 pounds and leg press 1,000 pounds. No, I'm not giving out her name because that might implicate my identity..."ha, like anyone cares"...
Her boyfriend is the funniest guy and he can leg press 2,000 pounds. And I repeat I am not making these numbers up. So, amidst being so excited about their visit...I'm also having these irrational, "but I'm not eating clean thoughts."
Isn't that the dumbest thing you have ever heard? I have an excuse even...I'm pregnant...which we're telling them this weekend. In fact, the only reason for my abrupt stop in working out was because of exhaustion ....induced by my pregnancy.
A very happy reason.
I was so exhausted that I would stumble into bed with all of my clothes on...even my shoes...sleep 10 or so hours. And then after only a few hours of being awake...I wanted to fall asleep again.
But fortunately that awefulness has passed. I'm much more awake and interested in the world around me. And now I'm trying to figure out a way to trick myself into exercising again...and eating better.
Hmm.... so that's my update.
I have great empathy for everyone who is trying to lose weight, exercise, stay in shape, eat clean...because I know it is so challenging. It is challenging to me.
But today I found encouragement in the most unexpected place.
Lately I have been fighting a chest cough. So, this morning my thoughtful husband brought me a Halls cough drop. On the outside of the individually wrapped drop were these words,
"Don't give up on yourself."
I wonder if they have any idea how much a word of encouragement can really help boost the spirit.
I read more words, "You've survived tougher."
"Don't wait a precious minute."
If you're reading this..."Thanks Halls!"
I liked the "Don't give up on yourself" best.
Remember, friends, you're doing better than you think.
Sunshine Mama
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Morning Glory Turns 1
Hello folks!
I haven't been to the library in a few weeks. So, I think I should update everyone. I'm 14 weeks along and I am feeling less tired. I haven't worked out in about four weeks. And yesterday I realized that I need to take small steps if I want to get into a work-out routine again. So, this week I'm making it a goal to try to run a few miles a day....and that's it.
I first need to see if I am able to run and not feel bothered by it. If it does bother me, I may switch to biking. In the past, I've never been able to run past 18 weeks because I had some discomfort in my uterus.
So far I've gained at least seven pounds. But quite honestly most of that is probably from some unhealthy food choices.
Also wanted to mention that Morning Glory turned one year old on Friday, Nov. 4th and he started walking five days before that. He is two to four months ahead on walking than all of the other kids. He is just the cutest thing and an absolute joy to everyone. I think I will try and get some picture to post of his eating birthday cake.
We are about six months away from the birth of this next baby. I still sometimes can't believe I'm pregnant and having another blessing so soon.
Talk soon!
Sunshine Mama
I haven't been to the library in a few weeks. So, I think I should update everyone. I'm 14 weeks along and I am feeling less tired. I haven't worked out in about four weeks. And yesterday I realized that I need to take small steps if I want to get into a work-out routine again. So, this week I'm making it a goal to try to run a few miles a day....and that's it.
I first need to see if I am able to run and not feel bothered by it. If it does bother me, I may switch to biking. In the past, I've never been able to run past 18 weeks because I had some discomfort in my uterus.
So far I've gained at least seven pounds. But quite honestly most of that is probably from some unhealthy food choices.
Also wanted to mention that Morning Glory turned one year old on Friday, Nov. 4th and he started walking five days before that. He is two to four months ahead on walking than all of the other kids. He is just the cutest thing and an absolute joy to everyone. I think I will try and get some picture to post of his eating birthday cake.
We are about six months away from the birth of this next baby. I still sometimes can't believe I'm pregnant and having another blessing so soon.
Talk soon!
Sunshine Mama
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Heard The Heart Beat
Hello folks!
I heard the baby's heart beat today. About 160 to 170 beats a minute.
We scheduled an ultra sound in six weeks.
I've been feeling tired and unmotivated. I'm taking a little apparent hiatus from the gym. But I need to get my butt back in because I think I've gained about three pounds.
Well, part of the reason for the hiatus was because we celebrated our ten year anniversary on October 7 and then my birthday on October 14. I think the chocolates and other things may have contributed to the weight gain.
But I heard something inspiring from an unlikely source last week.
Our five-year-old son is taking karate from an instructor who I haven't been that impressed with because I get the feeling that he tells the 5-year-olds to do things that they aren't old enough to do. Like, "Now take your left foot and put it back and then hit with your right hand...." My kid isn't going to know his right from his left yet.
But anyway, the instructor showed up to teach class with crutches because he had recently hurt his ankle when he jumped down from somewhere and landed on it wrong. He was telling the kids not to give up. He says encouraging stuff like, "what's a black belt?" "It's a white belt that never gave up."
So, then he says, "See, I'm here trying my best even though I'm on crutches. And that what you all need to do. Just do your best. Never give up." ( or something to that effect)
It made me think...here I am pregnant again. I should take his advice and do the best I can do. Yes, I'm pregnant again and it's not "as fun" to work at while pregnant, but that doesn't mean that I should give up.
Now that it's getting colder (can we say, 'wimpy, wimpy, wimpy') I don't feel like going out in the cold. You'd think that with all my living in the north, I'd have a backbone of steel. Ha!
Well, I'll let you know how it goes.
Keep up the work, folks.
Never give up.
Sunshine Mama
I heard the baby's heart beat today. About 160 to 170 beats a minute.
We scheduled an ultra sound in six weeks.
I've been feeling tired and unmotivated. I'm taking a little apparent hiatus from the gym. But I need to get my butt back in because I think I've gained about three pounds.
Well, part of the reason for the hiatus was because we celebrated our ten year anniversary on October 7 and then my birthday on October 14. I think the chocolates and other things may have contributed to the weight gain.
But I heard something inspiring from an unlikely source last week.
Our five-year-old son is taking karate from an instructor who I haven't been that impressed with because I get the feeling that he tells the 5-year-olds to do things that they aren't old enough to do. Like, "Now take your left foot and put it back and then hit with your right hand...." My kid isn't going to know his right from his left yet.
But anyway, the instructor showed up to teach class with crutches because he had recently hurt his ankle when he jumped down from somewhere and landed on it wrong. He was telling the kids not to give up. He says encouraging stuff like, "what's a black belt?" "It's a white belt that never gave up."
So, then he says, "See, I'm here trying my best even though I'm on crutches. And that what you all need to do. Just do your best. Never give up." ( or something to that effect)
It made me think...here I am pregnant again. I should take his advice and do the best I can do. Yes, I'm pregnant again and it's not "as fun" to work at while pregnant, but that doesn't mean that I should give up.
Now that it's getting colder (can we say, 'wimpy, wimpy, wimpy') I don't feel like going out in the cold. You'd think that with all my living in the north, I'd have a backbone of steel. Ha!
Well, I'll let you know how it goes.
Keep up the work, folks.
Never give up.
Sunshine Mama
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Updating the Work-outs
Hello friends!
Thought I should make a quick post before heading off to the gym.
Thank you for all of your congratulations. We are all excited here. The three year old asks me when the baby is going to come. And I say, "oh, we have to wait a long time. It's just tiny right now." It's basically the entire school year, which when I think about it does sound like quite a long wait even to me..
I just hope that the tired bug will go away because all I want to do is sleep. It's even affecting my motivation to want to work out. Fortunately my husband "wants" to go to the gym at night for his second work-out of the day so he drives me there. I'm readjusting my work-outs so that I can get done in 60 minutes at the gym. I want to do 30 minutes cardio and 30 minutes of weight lifting five days a week. Then, I do my abs and push-ups at home three days a week. Of course this idea could change with the wind.
But last night, I completed a leg work in 30 minutes. I had to cut it shorter than my normal 45-50 minutes and then I did my push-ups and sit-ups at home. I didn't get in my cardio. But the condensed version of working out is something I'm doing so that I don't spend as much time working out but yet I still receive most of the benefits of cardio and weight lifting.
When I was training for the half marathon, I would spend 2 1/2 hours working out on Mondays and Wednesdays because I would run 8 1/2 miles and weight lift for 5o or so minutes. I just can't do that anymore with home schooling and being more tired.
Also knowing that I don't have to "do it all" will make me not dread coming to the gym. An hour is manageable. And then sit-ups and push-ups while just hanging out at night also has a low stress appeal to them.
Speaking of which I need to get to the gym.
Later folks!
Sunshine Mama
Thought I should make a quick post before heading off to the gym.
Thank you for all of your congratulations. We are all excited here. The three year old asks me when the baby is going to come. And I say, "oh, we have to wait a long time. It's just tiny right now." It's basically the entire school year, which when I think about it does sound like quite a long wait even to me..
I just hope that the tired bug will go away because all I want to do is sleep. It's even affecting my motivation to want to work out. Fortunately my husband "wants" to go to the gym at night for his second work-out of the day so he drives me there. I'm readjusting my work-outs so that I can get done in 60 minutes at the gym. I want to do 30 minutes cardio and 30 minutes of weight lifting five days a week. Then, I do my abs and push-ups at home three days a week. Of course this idea could change with the wind.
But last night, I completed a leg work in 30 minutes. I had to cut it shorter than my normal 45-50 minutes and then I did my push-ups and sit-ups at home. I didn't get in my cardio. But the condensed version of working out is something I'm doing so that I don't spend as much time working out but yet I still receive most of the benefits of cardio and weight lifting.
When I was training for the half marathon, I would spend 2 1/2 hours working out on Mondays and Wednesdays because I would run 8 1/2 miles and weight lift for 5o or so minutes. I just can't do that anymore with home schooling and being more tired.
Also knowing that I don't have to "do it all" will make me not dread coming to the gym. An hour is manageable. And then sit-ups and push-ups while just hanging out at night also has a low stress appeal to them.
Speaking of which I need to get to the gym.
Later folks!
Sunshine Mama
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Half Marathons And Babies
Hello friends!
Sorry I haven't posted in over a month. The last few times that I went to the library I ended spending all of my time checking out books on mummies, and revolutionary war heroes for my children for homeschooling.
I started homeschooling two weeks earlier than normal because I had this sneaking suspicion that I might want to end the home school year earlier than normal.
Why would I want to end it early?
So that I could spend time with a new little baby.
I'm pregnant folks...with baby number #7.
Ok, that felt so nice to type. And I just giggled. All of us here are really excited. I'm due May 7th, and I turn eight weeks along on Sunday.
So, I've just re-joined the working out pregnant mama's club with Sunshine Meg and Sherah and I think there may be few more of you out there.
Isn't this exciting? And, yes, I know what you're all thinking...."How old is Mr. Lovely?" He's 10 1/2 months and already standing. I do believe that boy will be walking by a year which is months sooner than all of our other children. But he will be 18 months when this new one is born. That's quick. Our closest spread before these next two was a 20 month difference with Iris Anna Anna (now 7) and Peach Blossom (now 5 1/2).
I'm still working out.
Why....just today I ran that half marathon that I was telling you all about. Yep! 13.1 miles. I'd been training for it all summer the nurses said it was ok to run as long as I didn't get over heated. Well, it it was 45 degrees this morning. I felt really good.
At about the 9-mile mark, the judge who had married us ten years ago (this October) was running alongside of me. He's always running halfs and full marathons and he is at least in his 60s. I got talking to him and shared with him that I was pregnant with #7. At about two miles left in the race he pulled away. By that point I was beginning to feel sore all over the place.
I was chuckling to myself that he probably pulled ahead because he didn't want to let a pregnant women beat him, but then again...I just let a 60 year-old beat me. Ha! Good stuff though. He did a great job at our wedding. I see him at the gym.
Speaking of gym. I am still working out. I started my push-up program about three weeks ago after I had worked up to four sets of 15 ( boy style) push-ups. I started out being able to do 50 consecutive push-ups. This last Wednesday I did six sets of 25 push-ups (175 total).
When I was pregnant with Morning Glory, I just kind of stopped my push-ups. I would like to continue them.
I am continuing to eat mostly clean and have kept my weight loss at a 14 pound loss.
So, things are going well. I may reward myself with an ice cream indulgence today. It was fun to have the kids all there when I finished my race today. I did speed up at the end.
Now I need to check on a few folks.
Sunshine Mama
Sorry I haven't posted in over a month. The last few times that I went to the library I ended spending all of my time checking out books on mummies, and revolutionary war heroes for my children for homeschooling.
I started homeschooling two weeks earlier than normal because I had this sneaking suspicion that I might want to end the home school year earlier than normal.
Why would I want to end it early?
So that I could spend time with a new little baby.
I'm pregnant folks...with baby number #7.
Ok, that felt so nice to type. And I just giggled. All of us here are really excited. I'm due May 7th, and I turn eight weeks along on Sunday.
So, I've just re-joined the working out pregnant mama's club with Sunshine Meg and Sherah and I think there may be few more of you out there.
Isn't this exciting? And, yes, I know what you're all thinking...."How old is Mr. Lovely?" He's 10 1/2 months and already standing. I do believe that boy will be walking by a year which is months sooner than all of our other children. But he will be 18 months when this new one is born. That's quick. Our closest spread before these next two was a 20 month difference with Iris Anna Anna (now 7) and Peach Blossom (now 5 1/2).
I'm still working out.
Why....just today I ran that half marathon that I was telling you all about. Yep! 13.1 miles. I'd been training for it all summer the nurses said it was ok to run as long as I didn't get over heated. Well, it it was 45 degrees this morning. I felt really good.
At about the 9-mile mark, the judge who had married us ten years ago (this October) was running alongside of me. He's always running halfs and full marathons and he is at least in his 60s. I got talking to him and shared with him that I was pregnant with #7. At about two miles left in the race he pulled away. By that point I was beginning to feel sore all over the place.
I was chuckling to myself that he probably pulled ahead because he didn't want to let a pregnant women beat him, but then again...I just let a 60 year-old beat me. Ha! Good stuff though. He did a great job at our wedding. I see him at the gym.
Speaking of gym. I am still working out. I started my push-up program about three weeks ago after I had worked up to four sets of 15 ( boy style) push-ups. I started out being able to do 50 consecutive push-ups. This last Wednesday I did six sets of 25 push-ups (175 total).
When I was pregnant with Morning Glory, I just kind of stopped my push-ups. I would like to continue them.
I am continuing to eat mostly clean and have kept my weight loss at a 14 pound loss.
So, things are going well. I may reward myself with an ice cream indulgence today. It was fun to have the kids all there when I finished my race today. I did speed up at the end.
Now I need to check on a few folks.
Sunshine Mama
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Down About 13 Pounds Now
Hello there!
Good new again. According to the scale I dropped another pound for a total lost of 12.8 pounds.
I completed my week of work-outs except for the ten miler tonight of course.
We only have two more weeks left in August before Labor Day. Can you believe it? I'm thinking about homeschooling the kids starting this coming Monday. I've been cleaning up and organizing the room and the materials and I think I may just launch on Monday.
That way, I'll have a few weeks to get a routine started before all the swimming, flag football, and other activities begin on the day after Labor Day.
I hope you're all doing well and enjoying these last few days of summer.
Have a good weekend!
Sunshine Mama
Good new again. According to the scale I dropped another pound for a total lost of 12.8 pounds.
I completed my week of work-outs except for the ten miler tonight of course.
We only have two more weeks left in August before Labor Day. Can you believe it? I'm thinking about homeschooling the kids starting this coming Monday. I've been cleaning up and organizing the room and the materials and I think I may just launch on Monday.
That way, I'll have a few weeks to get a routine started before all the swimming, flag football, and other activities begin on the day after Labor Day.
I hope you're all doing well and enjoying these last few days of summer.
Have a good weekend!
Sunshine Mama
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Exciting News
Exciting news friends!
I hopped on the scale today. After fourteen days of being at the same weight, I was beginning to expect the same number.
But Who Hee!
A two pound drop!
I was pathetically excited. It's so overdue, but I was still happy. Now I'm up to 11.8 pounds lost.
Lately I've had this idea that the reason the weight loss is going so slow is because my body is restructuring itself.
And that takes time.
My physique is looking more athletic. Bumps and bulges seem to be thinning out and floating to the the spots where I want them to be.
I've actually received a few compliments from people where they give me this incredulous look and say, "You look great."
I say thanks even though I don't quite feel incredible yet. But I do feel great.
August is a tough month for me because I am slowly ramping up my mileage in preparation for this half marathon. I'm working out six days a week. I ran nine miles last Saturday. I plan on doing ten miles this Saturday, then eleven the next and then thirteen the Saturday after that.
But what's exciting for me is that...I am doing it.
I'm halfway through August, and I've been meeting my goals. I've added some fun sprint action two days a week and focus on my glutes twice a week with the high incline on the treadmill. I'm managing getting to the gym five days a week and running six days a week.
So, isn't that good news?
Now I could wake up tomorrow and the scale could take back a pound that it gave me. But that's just fluctuations and will happen before the weight settles down.
Or I could lose more?
Ok...I won't push it.
I just feel so good having this extra energy.
So good in fact that I've started "grooving" to music again in the kitchen while preparing food.
Now isn't that a nice picture to leave you all with? Ha!
Life is good. Hope you're all having a good week.
Sunshine Mama
I hopped on the scale today. After fourteen days of being at the same weight, I was beginning to expect the same number.
But Who Hee!
A two pound drop!
I was pathetically excited. It's so overdue, but I was still happy. Now I'm up to 11.8 pounds lost.
Lately I've had this idea that the reason the weight loss is going so slow is because my body is restructuring itself.
And that takes time.
My physique is looking more athletic. Bumps and bulges seem to be thinning out and floating to the the spots where I want them to be.
I've actually received a few compliments from people where they give me this incredulous look and say, "You look great."
I say thanks even though I don't quite feel incredible yet. But I do feel great.
August is a tough month for me because I am slowly ramping up my mileage in preparation for this half marathon. I'm working out six days a week. I ran nine miles last Saturday. I plan on doing ten miles this Saturday, then eleven the next and then thirteen the Saturday after that.
But what's exciting for me is that...I am doing it.
I'm halfway through August, and I've been meeting my goals. I've added some fun sprint action two days a week and focus on my glutes twice a week with the high incline on the treadmill. I'm managing getting to the gym five days a week and running six days a week.
So, isn't that good news?
Now I could wake up tomorrow and the scale could take back a pound that it gave me. But that's just fluctuations and will happen before the weight settles down.
Or I could lose more?
Ok...I won't push it.
I just feel so good having this extra energy.
So good in fact that I've started "grooving" to music again in the kitchen while preparing food.
Now isn't that a nice picture to leave you all with? Ha!
Life is good. Hope you're all having a good week.
Sunshine Mama
Friday, August 12, 2011
No More Complaining
Hi Friends!
Happy Weekend!
Just wanted to let you all know how my week went.
My eating has been around 1,400 calories every day with 45 to 60 minute weight lifting work-outs. I also have been incorporating cardio as I have been training for a half marathon. I have done sprints twice this week. I also tried something new that I read about.
I put the treadmill on the highest incline, 15, and walked for half a mile at about 2.5. I felt that in my glutes. I'm actually excited about this exercise because of the focus on that area.
I have remained at the same weight for 11 days, which boggles me. I can't possibly have plateaued at the weight that I'm at. So, I'm just patiently waiting for the weight to drop.
In the meantime, I can tell that my legs are looking awesome with all the emphasis on running, sprinting and the leg work-outs that I'm giving them. In fact, I'm feeling more confident about how I look despite an unresponsive scale.
And, you're right, SunshineMeg. Once I get in the gym, do my work-out, I feel better.
To be honest, I've made some athletic goals for after the half marathon. But meeting those goals requires that I lose a certain amount of body fat. So, I think one of the reasons I feel so peeved about slow weight loss is that I may have to put off for a later date that "other" goal.
But I honestly won't know if I can meet that goal until several weeks from now. I know I'm being vague here. So, we'll just have to see.
But I did want to say that I'm not as upset as I had been about slow weight loss. I guess I've reconciled with myself that for whatever reason, it's taking longer. Also, I know that there are a lot more important things in this world to worry about than the success of my perfect weight loss plan.
Take the dying children in Somalia as an example. That just breaks my heart.
It puts a lot of things back into an attitude of gratitude for simply food. Water. Health care.
So, I'm going to try stop complaining about slow weight loss.
Besides there is a flip side.
I'm not gaining weight. And I feel confident that what I am eating is super healthy and that it won't put unnecessary fat on me.
I feel strong and muscular.
Well, on that note, I need to go and do a bunch of errands.
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Sunshine Mama
Happy Weekend!
Just wanted to let you all know how my week went.
My eating has been around 1,400 calories every day with 45 to 60 minute weight lifting work-outs. I also have been incorporating cardio as I have been training for a half marathon. I have done sprints twice this week. I also tried something new that I read about.
I put the treadmill on the highest incline, 15, and walked for half a mile at about 2.5. I felt that in my glutes. I'm actually excited about this exercise because of the focus on that area.
I have remained at the same weight for 11 days, which boggles me. I can't possibly have plateaued at the weight that I'm at. So, I'm just patiently waiting for the weight to drop.
In the meantime, I can tell that my legs are looking awesome with all the emphasis on running, sprinting and the leg work-outs that I'm giving them. In fact, I'm feeling more confident about how I look despite an unresponsive scale.
And, you're right, SunshineMeg. Once I get in the gym, do my work-out, I feel better.
To be honest, I've made some athletic goals for after the half marathon. But meeting those goals requires that I lose a certain amount of body fat. So, I think one of the reasons I feel so peeved about slow weight loss is that I may have to put off for a later date that "other" goal.
But I honestly won't know if I can meet that goal until several weeks from now. I know I'm being vague here. So, we'll just have to see.
But I did want to say that I'm not as upset as I had been about slow weight loss. I guess I've reconciled with myself that for whatever reason, it's taking longer. Also, I know that there are a lot more important things in this world to worry about than the success of my perfect weight loss plan.
Take the dying children in Somalia as an example. That just breaks my heart.
It puts a lot of things back into an attitude of gratitude for simply food. Water. Health care.
So, I'm going to try stop complaining about slow weight loss.
Besides there is a flip side.
I'm not gaining weight. And I feel confident that what I am eating is super healthy and that it won't put unnecessary fat on me.
I feel strong and muscular.
Well, on that note, I need to go and do a bunch of errands.
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Sunshine Mama
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Hello friends!
It's been a few days since I've blogged, but I have been busy.
Not only have did I get in all the work-outs I wanted to get in last week (six days of running and five days weight lifting), I've also been signing the kids up for fall activities like swimming lessons, karate, flag football, gymnastics, boys choir, piano and violin lessons.
Plus I'm figuring out their home school schedule.
I have been reading up on some some body building magazines to double check to make sure I am "doing it right" with my diet and exercise program.
I deduced that 1,400 calories is adequate. But I've decided to incorporate HIIT work-outs. High intensity interval training. And doing cardio that focuses on my glutes like raising the incline to the highest it can go on the treadmill and running that. (I haven't done that yet)
When I run to the gym I will do sprints. I did that tonight and that felt decent. I am still training for my half marathon, but I will "sprinkle" my week with three days of HIIT work-outs. And then two days of the week when I run my long runs, I will try it with an incline.
Also...I have been doing the same weight lifting routine for two or three years. So, I'm going to switch in some different exercises that work my muscles from a different angle to see if that will help rev up my metabolism too.
It's strange. Tonight I felt down again looking at the mirror. I wonder if my metabolism is slowing down because I'm not eating enough. I wonder, "what if I only lose one pound a week?". Then, I wonder, "Why am I doing all this anyway?"
It's like I can see the future...and I sometimes just think, "wow, months and months of this. Will it never end?"
But I've lived the alternative.
Out of shape. No hope. Low energy. Unhappy.
The food that I eat now is so healthy that I am nourished, happy and satisfied at 1,400 because not one of those calories is wasted.
I've noticed that I think more clearly. I have more energy.
Even though my weight isn't where I want it, I feel good about my appearance.
I have hope.
So, I suppose even if I don't hit that two pound a week average, I will keep at it.
I am really shooting for a two pound drop by this Saturday. Right now I am at 10. 2 pounds down. So, I want to see a 12 pound drop.
We'll see if it happens.
Sunshine Mama
It's been a few days since I've blogged, but I have been busy.
Not only have did I get in all the work-outs I wanted to get in last week (six days of running and five days weight lifting), I've also been signing the kids up for fall activities like swimming lessons, karate, flag football, gymnastics, boys choir, piano and violin lessons.
Plus I'm figuring out their home school schedule.
I have been reading up on some some body building magazines to double check to make sure I am "doing it right" with my diet and exercise program.
I deduced that 1,400 calories is adequate. But I've decided to incorporate HIIT work-outs. High intensity interval training. And doing cardio that focuses on my glutes like raising the incline to the highest it can go on the treadmill and running that. (I haven't done that yet)
When I run to the gym I will do sprints. I did that tonight and that felt decent. I am still training for my half marathon, but I will "sprinkle" my week with three days of HIIT work-outs. And then two days of the week when I run my long runs, I will try it with an incline.
Also...I have been doing the same weight lifting routine for two or three years. So, I'm going to switch in some different exercises that work my muscles from a different angle to see if that will help rev up my metabolism too.
It's strange. Tonight I felt down again looking at the mirror. I wonder if my metabolism is slowing down because I'm not eating enough. I wonder, "what if I only lose one pound a week?". Then, I wonder, "Why am I doing all this anyway?"
It's like I can see the future...and I sometimes just think, "wow, months and months of this. Will it never end?"
But I've lived the alternative.
Out of shape. No hope. Low energy. Unhappy.
The food that I eat now is so healthy that I am nourished, happy and satisfied at 1,400 because not one of those calories is wasted.
I've noticed that I think more clearly. I have more energy.
Even though my weight isn't where I want it, I feel good about my appearance.
I have hope.
So, I suppose even if I don't hit that two pound a week average, I will keep at it.
I am really shooting for a two pound drop by this Saturday. Right now I am at 10. 2 pounds down. So, I want to see a 12 pound drop.
We'll see if it happens.
Sunshine Mama
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Happy Thursday...Morning Glory is 9 months Today
Hello friends!
Left is Stavesacre, 3 1/2, Morning Glory, nine months, Iris Anna, 7.
Darling Rose, 16, "folding towels".
Yesterday Morning Glory fell asleep next to ballerina dresses and dust pans. No, I don't know why there are dust pans here. The kids might have been playing with them.
With his thumb in his mouth.
Other than that, I was at a ten pound loss yesterday and today it fluxed back up to a 9.8 pound loss. The week has been going great. I've ran four days in a row and worked out at the gym four times as well. I intend to get in two more days of running for six altogether this week. I plan to run eight miles on Saturday. I have been feeling stronger. It's such a great feeling.
Thanks for stopping by. Thought I'd post a few pictures of our children.
I wonder if they'll still be volunteering to help in ten years?

Other than that, I was at a ten pound loss yesterday and today it fluxed back up to a 9.8 pound loss. The week has been going great. I've ran four days in a row and worked out at the gym four times as well. I intend to get in two more days of running for six altogether this week. I plan to run eight miles on Saturday. I have been feeling stronger. It's such a great feeling.
Wanted to thank you for your encouragement.
Have a good Friday!
Sunshine Mama
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Facing the Gym Mirrors...
So. I've been struggling with the whole gym mirror lately.
You know... there are mirrors everywhere in the gym. And for good reasons. They're there so that you can make sure you are lifting the dumbbell the right way and practicing the proper form. All very important things to ensure you get the most out of your work-outs.
But for some reason, I find myself feeling slight depressed when I encounter all of the gym mirrors...which is not suppose to happen when you go to the gym.
Working out at the gym is suppose to make you feel good because of all those endorphins that are bumping around you when you work out.
So, not only do I concentrate on my form while working out at the gym...I also find myself analyzing my body in the gym mirror.
Are you with me folks?
I could spend the entire day at my house and not look at my body as often as I would when I go to the gym to do a 45 minute work-out.
In a way it's almost counter productive to have such negative feelings because of those silly mirrors.
I can totally see exactly how much work I have left to do to achieve the body I want.
AND it feels a little overwhelming at times.
Well, I won't stop going to the gym because of it.
I wish I could just lose all this extra weight...
In a snap!
Ha! Don't we all?
So, until that weight come off like I want it to, here I am stuck looking at myself in those gym mirrors.
I will admit that I have noticed some changes in my body since I've dropped nine pounds. And I can see it in the mirrors.
Those darn mirrors.
Maybe one day I'll enjoy seeing myself in those mirrors. And the sight will encourage me rather than discourage me.
Seems to me that losing weight actually takes courage.
Facing the mirrors takes some courage.
Courage to believe in myself.
That just because I don't see it yet doesn't mean I won't ever see it.
It all takes time.
Well, I hope you're all having a good one. I managed to lose about a pound in the last few days.
Talk later!
Sunshine Mama
So. I've been struggling with the whole gym mirror lately.
You know... there are mirrors everywhere in the gym. And for good reasons. They're there so that you can make sure you are lifting the dumbbell the right way and practicing the proper form. All very important things to ensure you get the most out of your work-outs.
But for some reason, I find myself feeling slight depressed when I encounter all of the gym mirrors...which is not suppose to happen when you go to the gym.
Working out at the gym is suppose to make you feel good because of all those endorphins that are bumping around you when you work out.
So, not only do I concentrate on my form while working out at the gym...I also find myself analyzing my body in the gym mirror.
Are you with me folks?
I could spend the entire day at my house and not look at my body as often as I would when I go to the gym to do a 45 minute work-out.
In a way it's almost counter productive to have such negative feelings because of those silly mirrors.
I can totally see exactly how much work I have left to do to achieve the body I want.
AND it feels a little overwhelming at times.
Well, I won't stop going to the gym because of it.
I wish I could just lose all this extra weight...
In a snap!
Ha! Don't we all?
So, until that weight come off like I want it to, here I am stuck looking at myself in those gym mirrors.
I will admit that I have noticed some changes in my body since I've dropped nine pounds. And I can see it in the mirrors.
Those darn mirrors.
Maybe one day I'll enjoy seeing myself in those mirrors. And the sight will encourage me rather than discourage me.
Seems to me that losing weight actually takes courage.
Facing the mirrors takes some courage.
Courage to believe in myself.
That just because I don't see it yet doesn't mean I won't ever see it.
It all takes time.
Well, I hope you're all having a good one. I managed to lose about a pound in the last few days.
Talk later!
Sunshine Mama
Friday, July 29, 2011
Friday is finally here and I am feeling better.
My weight still hasn't dropped like I want it to, but I am praticing patience. And determination.
For all I know, a bunch of weight may be just about to drop. But even if it didn't and I still continued to lose at an agonizingly slow pace...I came to a few conclusions.
I won't give up until I lose the weight.
Even if it takes longer.
I've been having thoughts like...what if I have a bunch more fat cells than I used to because of all the babies. You do know that the very second you get pregnant, your body starts producing double the normal amount of fat cells. So, I was thinking...wow, maybe because of that...it's taking longer.
Then I thought...well, I am getting older, maybe the way my body metabolizes is slowing down.
Doesn't matter. I'll persist until I get to my goal.
But despite the number on the scale I have noticed a few positives.
All this running has caused my legs to be stronger on my leg work-outs. I am feeling stronger during my runs.
My belly is significantly smaller and I feel comfortable enough to wear tank tops outside of the house.
Hey, maybe I'm gaining muscle which weighs more than fat.
All I know is that for the past two or so weeks I have eaten perfectly and exercised just as much and my weight has stayed the same.
Something has to give soon.
Hope you're all doing well.
Sunshine Mama
Friday is finally here and I am feeling better.
My weight still hasn't dropped like I want it to, but I am praticing patience. And determination.
For all I know, a bunch of weight may be just about to drop. But even if it didn't and I still continued to lose at an agonizingly slow pace...I came to a few conclusions.
I won't give up until I lose the weight.
Even if it takes longer.
I've been having thoughts like...what if I have a bunch more fat cells than I used to because of all the babies. You do know that the very second you get pregnant, your body starts producing double the normal amount of fat cells. So, I was thinking...wow, maybe because of that...it's taking longer.
Then I thought...well, I am getting older, maybe the way my body metabolizes is slowing down.
Doesn't matter. I'll persist until I get to my goal.
But despite the number on the scale I have noticed a few positives.
All this running has caused my legs to be stronger on my leg work-outs. I am feeling stronger during my runs.
My belly is significantly smaller and I feel comfortable enough to wear tank tops outside of the house.
Hey, maybe I'm gaining muscle which weighs more than fat.
All I know is that for the past two or so weeks I have eaten perfectly and exercised just as much and my weight has stayed the same.
Something has to give soon.
Hope you're all doing well.
Sunshine Mama
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Hola amigas and amigos!
Today has been annoying because I feel Buuloooated!! And the scale actually went up...as if that's my "real" weight. ( We all know its illusionary until Ms. Monthly goes home)
Yes, I'll be fine. Only a few more days and I will be feeling GRRRREAt again.
Well, I also am taking off from running today. So, I won't make my six days this week of running, but I'm feeling fatigued today. I did, however, get in my chest and triceps work out. Also did four sets of 15 "girl" push-ups and some abs.
Hope you're all doing well!
Sunshine Mama
Today has been annoying because I feel Buuloooated!! And the scale actually went up...as if that's my "real" weight. ( We all know its illusionary until Ms. Monthly goes home)
Yes, I'll be fine. Only a few more days and I will be feeling GRRRREAt again.
Well, I also am taking off from running today. So, I won't make my six days this week of running, but I'm feeling fatigued today. I did, however, get in my chest and triceps work out. Also did four sets of 15 "girl" push-ups and some abs.
Hope you're all doing well!
Sunshine Mama
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Time To Tighten Down The Diet
Hello friends!
First things first.
To answer someone's question...When I was on my run, I stopped and ate my pineapple since I was stopping to drink water anyway. But I am contemplating pineapple juice where I can drink it without stopping.
I've also decided when the temperature is that high, I can stop for water breaks. Or pineapple breaks.
Anyway. This weight is not coming off fast enough for me.
So, starting Sunday I took out all wheat products from my diet. No body builder in their right mind eats wheat products when they're trying to cut up for a show. Yes, maybe off season they do, but not when they want to see the fat drop.
So, instead I replace that with potatoes, brown rice, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, squash, beets, green beans, asparagus....you get the picture.
Wheat is very calorie dense.
And remember pasta is a wheat product folks!
Then I've starting eating two spinach salads a day. I hadn't eaten a salad in a few weeks. I think there is something to eating lots of vegetables that helps promote fat loss.
I also plan on running six days a week and weight lifting five days a week, abs three days a week and push-ups 2 to 3 times a week. For those who might feel intimidated by this...I've had this goal for about six weeks and have been working up to that work-out schedule. For the past three or four weeks, I've had to not run all that I've wanted to run because I needed to give my legs rest until I felt they were ready for six days a week. I think they may be ready for six days in a row this week.
Remember slow and steady gets the worm! ha, I think I combined that with something.
My calories are right about in the 1,400 range. On Sunday when I don't work out I may let them drop to 1,000.
I also am dropping popcorn from my menu as it causes bloating. I had some Sunday night with olive oil and I gained a pound the next morning. And, no, it wasn't the salt. It's what popcorn does. I knew this, and I ate the popcorn anyway.
Now you all know too.
Another thing that will cause my weight loss to slow down and even maybe gain is Ms. Monthly. So...let's just say that after this week, the scale better be showing some big losses. But usually after the period, the weight loss will catch up to where it's suppose to be.
So, last night, I ran 4 1/2 miles, did a 40 minute leg work-out and abs. I felt great too! Maybe it was that pineapple that I took along to eat half way through the work-out.
See you all will be eating pineapple before you know it.
Hope you're having a good one!
Sunshine Mama
First things first.
To answer someone's question...When I was on my run, I stopped and ate my pineapple since I was stopping to drink water anyway. But I am contemplating pineapple juice where I can drink it without stopping.
I've also decided when the temperature is that high, I can stop for water breaks. Or pineapple breaks.
Anyway. This weight is not coming off fast enough for me.
So, starting Sunday I took out all wheat products from my diet. No body builder in their right mind eats wheat products when they're trying to cut up for a show. Yes, maybe off season they do, but not when they want to see the fat drop.
So, instead I replace that with potatoes, brown rice, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, squash, beets, green beans, asparagus....you get the picture.
Wheat is very calorie dense.
And remember pasta is a wheat product folks!
Then I've starting eating two spinach salads a day. I hadn't eaten a salad in a few weeks. I think there is something to eating lots of vegetables that helps promote fat loss.
I also plan on running six days a week and weight lifting five days a week, abs three days a week and push-ups 2 to 3 times a week. For those who might feel intimidated by this...I've had this goal for about six weeks and have been working up to that work-out schedule. For the past three or four weeks, I've had to not run all that I've wanted to run because I needed to give my legs rest until I felt they were ready for six days a week. I think they may be ready for six days in a row this week.
Remember slow and steady gets the worm! ha, I think I combined that with something.
My calories are right about in the 1,400 range. On Sunday when I don't work out I may let them drop to 1,000.
I also am dropping popcorn from my menu as it causes bloating. I had some Sunday night with olive oil and I gained a pound the next morning. And, no, it wasn't the salt. It's what popcorn does. I knew this, and I ate the popcorn anyway.
Now you all know too.
Another thing that will cause my weight loss to slow down and even maybe gain is Ms. Monthly. So...let's just say that after this week, the scale better be showing some big losses. But usually after the period, the weight loss will catch up to where it's suppose to be.
So, last night, I ran 4 1/2 miles, did a 40 minute leg work-out and abs. I felt great too! Maybe it was that pineapple that I took along to eat half way through the work-out.
See you all will be eating pineapple before you know it.
Hope you're having a good one!
Sunshine Mama
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Meet My New Friend
Ok friends,
We're almost to Monday and I am doing something a little different in my diet today that I hope will yield some positive results.
I'll tell you about it Monday.
But, today I wanted to tell you about my wonderful experience with...
cue the music...
(ok, a minute for me to laugh because this sounds a little ridiculous.)
But remember that I went on a six mile run last night?
When I ran by the temperature clock one mile into my run, it read 93 degrees. I was sucking down water at every mile. I was definitely feeling a little sluggish because of the heat index being over 100 degrees.
Well...then get this...
At mile three, I pull out the six ounces of pineapple that I had brought along as a snack.
I suppose in the past I would have used an energy gel, but I didn't have one at home. A banana would have gotten squishy and gross. An apple takes too long to eat on a run. And I have brought pineapples with me to the gym before if I needed some quick energy.
Now in case you all don't know...there are two types of carbohydrates.
Complex and simple.
You don't start feeling the energy from a complex carb until about 45 minutes after eating it. Complex carbs are like oatmeal, brown rice and whole wheat bread.
Energy from simple carbs can be felt within 15 minutes or almost immediately. Simple carbs are fruits. People will also use sugar, but there is usually a crash after it. Fruit is a natural way to give yourself a healthy energy boost during a work out if you need it.
Anyway to make a long story longer...
I ate my wonderful tasting pineapple, which by the way just tastes better the more it squishes around in my running pack (sealed in plastic of course).
Afterward I took off running...and I felt better than when I first started.
I kid you not.
It was immediate.
I felt energized.
It lasted through the next three miles.
Oh, also the clouds suddenly hid the sun after I ate my pineapple. And when I ran back by the temperature clock it read 88 degrees, a five degree drop.
I still just can not even believe how energized I felt. I'm already plotting how to use pineapple before a race, or during my half marathon race coming up in September.
Oh, pineapple is 14 calories an ounce and provides a moderate level of potassium.
So, there you go.
Pineapple, my new best friend.
Sunshine Mama
We're almost to Monday and I am doing something a little different in my diet today that I hope will yield some positive results.
I'll tell you about it Monday.
But, today I wanted to tell you about my wonderful experience with...
cue the music...
(ok, a minute for me to laugh because this sounds a little ridiculous.)
But remember that I went on a six mile run last night?
When I ran by the temperature clock one mile into my run, it read 93 degrees. I was sucking down water at every mile. I was definitely feeling a little sluggish because of the heat index being over 100 degrees.
Well...then get this...
At mile three, I pull out the six ounces of pineapple that I had brought along as a snack.
I suppose in the past I would have used an energy gel, but I didn't have one at home. A banana would have gotten squishy and gross. An apple takes too long to eat on a run. And I have brought pineapples with me to the gym before if I needed some quick energy.
Now in case you all don't know...there are two types of carbohydrates.
Complex and simple.
You don't start feeling the energy from a complex carb until about 45 minutes after eating it. Complex carbs are like oatmeal, brown rice and whole wheat bread.
Energy from simple carbs can be felt within 15 minutes or almost immediately. Simple carbs are fruits. People will also use sugar, but there is usually a crash after it. Fruit is a natural way to give yourself a healthy energy boost during a work out if you need it.
Anyway to make a long story longer...
I ate my wonderful tasting pineapple, which by the way just tastes better the more it squishes around in my running pack (sealed in plastic of course).
Afterward I took off running...and I felt better than when I first started.
I kid you not.
It was immediate.
I felt energized.
It lasted through the next three miles.
Oh, also the clouds suddenly hid the sun after I ate my pineapple. And when I ran back by the temperature clock it read 88 degrees, a five degree drop.
I still just can not even believe how energized I felt. I'm already plotting how to use pineapple before a race, or during my half marathon race coming up in September.
Oh, pineapple is 14 calories an ounce and provides a moderate level of potassium.
So, there you go.
Pineapple, my new best friend.
Sunshine Mama
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Hello From The Tropics!
Ha! Just kidding, but today feels like it again. I have to get in six miles and I'm thinking about pushing it back to 9:00 p.m. versus the 92 degree weather at 5:00 p.m.
But then if I do that...my date with Daddy Rainmaker gets screwed up.
What should I do?
Suck it up? And let the heat possibley suck up all my date night energy because that just might happen.
Or run late...and have no date or at the very least a late date.
I think I may suck it up.
Other than that, the scale has been playing the fluctuation game with me. But I have been eating pretty perfect and working out like an animal...so it's only a matter of time before the weight drops back down.
I've been keeping my calories to around 1,400- 1,500. I hit the gym four times this week; weight lifting about 45 minutes each time. I also will log in five days of running mileage of 4, 2 1/2, 4, 2 1/2, and 6. I've done abs two times this week.
I think that starting next week I will start doing some push-ups again three times a week. If SunshineMeg can do it while pregnant, so can I.
Talk later...alligators!! (that's tropic's talk)
Sunshine Mama
Ha! Just kidding, but today feels like it again. I have to get in six miles and I'm thinking about pushing it back to 9:00 p.m. versus the 92 degree weather at 5:00 p.m.
But then if I do that...my date with Daddy Rainmaker gets screwed up.
What should I do?
Suck it up? And let the heat possibley suck up all my date night energy because that just might happen.
Or run late...and have no date or at the very least a late date.
I think I may suck it up.
Other than that, the scale has been playing the fluctuation game with me. But I have been eating pretty perfect and working out like an animal...so it's only a matter of time before the weight drops back down.
I've been keeping my calories to around 1,400- 1,500. I hit the gym four times this week; weight lifting about 45 minutes each time. I also will log in five days of running mileage of 4, 2 1/2, 4, 2 1/2, and 6. I've done abs two times this week.
I think that starting next week I will start doing some push-ups again three times a week. If SunshineMeg can do it while pregnant, so can I.
Talk later...alligators!! (that's tropic's talk)
Sunshine Mama
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
You All Are Funny
Hola Friends!
Perky plant here.
Ha, Ha, you guys pick up on stuff quick. Later on when I wrote that I sat back wondering the next day if anyone would have fun with that.
I see you all have active imaginations.
Actually that's how I explained it to my 16-year-old daughter yesterday when I "made" her go running with me to the gym.
Everyone wants to know what they can drink "besides" plain ole water. My husband, my daughter. Well the way I explain it to my husband is the car and oil illustration.
Like a car needs gas to go, our body needs fuel to work out. And like a car needs oil or it will malfunction, so our bodies need water.
Either way, the wonderful thing about water is that...it's cheap and plentiful. God thought of everyone when he came up with that design element of our bodies.
Well, I'm taking a rest day from running because my legs feel fatigued. I did work my arms though and biked 2 1/2 miles. Training is still on for the half marathon. My eating is going well.
I saw 4/10 drop from yesterday so that was nice. Only two pounds away from a ten pound drop.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to drop 20 pounds in exactly ten weeks this time because I screwed around too much in the beginning. But hey, maybe 11 weeks I might be able to drop 20 pounds.
Thanks for all your comments.
They sure do make me smile!
I'm running out of time tonight to get to you all, but I will get to you!
Stay cool! If that's possible.
Sunshine Mama
Perky plant here.
Ha, Ha, you guys pick up on stuff quick. Later on when I wrote that I sat back wondering the next day if anyone would have fun with that.
I see you all have active imaginations.
Actually that's how I explained it to my 16-year-old daughter yesterday when I "made" her go running with me to the gym.
Everyone wants to know what they can drink "besides" plain ole water. My husband, my daughter. Well the way I explain it to my husband is the car and oil illustration.
Like a car needs gas to go, our body needs fuel to work out. And like a car needs oil or it will malfunction, so our bodies need water.
Either way, the wonderful thing about water is that...it's cheap and plentiful. God thought of everyone when he came up with that design element of our bodies.
Well, I'm taking a rest day from running because my legs feel fatigued. I did work my arms though and biked 2 1/2 miles. Training is still on for the half marathon. My eating is going well.
I saw 4/10 drop from yesterday so that was nice. Only two pounds away from a ten pound drop.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to drop 20 pounds in exactly ten weeks this time because I screwed around too much in the beginning. But hey, maybe 11 weeks I might be able to drop 20 pounds.
Thanks for all your comments.
They sure do make me smile!
I'm running out of time tonight to get to you all, but I will get to you!
Stay cool! If that's possible.
Sunshine Mama
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Good News
Hi friends!
How is everyone doing? It's been hot around here the last three days have been in the 90s and Wednesday is suppose to be 98 with the heat index probably over 115 degrees.
Beware, Sunshine Meg, I read in the paper today that the heat wave is making its way to the east coast.
Well, AWESOME NEWS folks!
After my last post I left you all in suspense about how my Saturday night out with the heavy appetizers would go. I ran five miles that day in 90 degree weather again.
That night, the appetizers were actually a nice variety of food. I had big, delicious strawberries, some vegetables, two meatballs, and about two beers. I had a great time.
Woke up the next morning.... Drumroll please...
And I dropped two pounds!!
But this just keeps getting better. I stayed the same on Sunday, then dropped another pound on Monday AND another pound today for a total of...
Five pounds in five days.
So...remember when I wrote about that 2.8 pound gain being illusionary?
It was!
I'm also wondering if the fact that I sweat like a soaking wet towel during my runs may be helping the weight loss. There's a lot of people who won't run in this weather, but I do because I observe these precautions:
1.) hydrate well before the run (I'll have 4 to 6 cups of water throughout the day before the run)
2.)Don't worry about going fast.
3.) Get in enough calories before the run (minimum 700-800)
4.) Take a water bottle with and hydrate every mile or sooner if necessary.
5.) Sometimes run at 9:00 at night because there's no sun and it's 10 degrees cooler.
But really, hydration is the big ticket. It's kind of like how a flower responds when we water it. It's perkier, stands taller...but if we don't water it, it wilts.
Your body literally wilts when you don't drink enough water in weather like this.
Personally I'd rather be the perky plant.
So, that's the good news friends. I wonder if I'll have some slight upward fluctuations over the next few days, but I've been eating great so it won't last long.
Wow. I don't know about you, but I can't wait to re-lose the weight that I gained.
Hang in there folks!
Sunshine Mama
How is everyone doing? It's been hot around here the last three days have been in the 90s and Wednesday is suppose to be 98 with the heat index probably over 115 degrees.
Beware, Sunshine Meg, I read in the paper today that the heat wave is making its way to the east coast.
Well, AWESOME NEWS folks!
After my last post I left you all in suspense about how my Saturday night out with the heavy appetizers would go. I ran five miles that day in 90 degree weather again.
That night, the appetizers were actually a nice variety of food. I had big, delicious strawberries, some vegetables, two meatballs, and about two beers. I had a great time.
Woke up the next morning.... Drumroll please...
And I dropped two pounds!!
But this just keeps getting better. I stayed the same on Sunday, then dropped another pound on Monday AND another pound today for a total of...
Five pounds in five days.
So...remember when I wrote about that 2.8 pound gain being illusionary?
It was!
I'm also wondering if the fact that I sweat like a soaking wet towel during my runs may be helping the weight loss. There's a lot of people who won't run in this weather, but I do because I observe these precautions:
1.) hydrate well before the run (I'll have 4 to 6 cups of water throughout the day before the run)
2.)Don't worry about going fast.
3.) Get in enough calories before the run (minimum 700-800)
4.) Take a water bottle with and hydrate every mile or sooner if necessary.
5.) Sometimes run at 9:00 at night because there's no sun and it's 10 degrees cooler.
But really, hydration is the big ticket. It's kind of like how a flower responds when we water it. It's perkier, stands taller...but if we don't water it, it wilts.
Your body literally wilts when you don't drink enough water in weather like this.
Personally I'd rather be the perky plant.
So, that's the good news friends. I wonder if I'll have some slight upward fluctuations over the next few days, but I've been eating great so it won't last long.
Wow. I don't know about you, but I can't wait to re-lose the weight that I gained.
Hang in there folks!
Sunshine Mama
Friday, July 15, 2011
Hola friends!
I stayed on track yesterday and ran 3 1/2 miles. I'm slowly building up my running base to train for a half marathon in September.
Anyway...the scale rewarded my efforts with a 1.2 pound drop.
I'm hoping that I can drop one or two more pounds by Monday and at least be near where I was before I cheated and gained the weight.
And that just kills me.
Instead of looking at a possibly eight pound loss by Monday, I'm "hoping" to get back to a five pound loss by Monday.
Oh, well. No use crying over spilt milk right?
I always do this though. I screw up and then hate the results so much that I don't dare screw up again.
For awhile at least. ha!
I have plans this weekend where my resolve will be tested. I am attending an event where I have already paid for "heavy appetizers and drinks", which I can not partake in because of my diet.
But I so want to see the scale go down.
Heavy appetizers. What can that mean other than if you eat them you will get heavier.
And alcohol we all know that that is not calorie free.
Well, I'll let you know how it all went.
Have a good one!
Sunshine Mama
I stayed on track yesterday and ran 3 1/2 miles. I'm slowly building up my running base to train for a half marathon in September.
Anyway...the scale rewarded my efforts with a 1.2 pound drop.
I'm hoping that I can drop one or two more pounds by Monday and at least be near where I was before I cheated and gained the weight.
And that just kills me.
Instead of looking at a possibly eight pound loss by Monday, I'm "hoping" to get back to a five pound loss by Monday.
Oh, well. No use crying over spilt milk right?
I always do this though. I screw up and then hate the results so much that I don't dare screw up again.
For awhile at least. ha!
I have plans this weekend where my resolve will be tested. I am attending an event where I have already paid for "heavy appetizers and drinks", which I can not partake in because of my diet.
But I so want to see the scale go down.
Heavy appetizers. What can that mean other than if you eat them you will get heavier.
And alcohol we all know that that is not calorie free.
Well, I'll let you know how it all went.
Have a good one!
Sunshine Mama
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Happy Thursday-My Illusionary Weight Gain
Hi folks!
So, I got off track last weekend and went over a little bit the first three days of this week. So...altogether that's five days where my calories weren't in line.
The scale socked me with a 2.8 pound gain.
NO WAY Hosea!
One pound is 3,500 calories. So...an almost 3 pound gain means that I had to eat about 10,500 calories over my limit.
That did not happen. Maybe 2,000 calories over.
So...that weight gain is an illusion.
And, no, I'm not in delusion about this either.
Because just you watch...if I stick to my diet over the next three or four days, I'll drop the weight.
So, does that mean I burned 10,500 calories worth in four days?
So, my contention is that the weight gain is an illusion.
At least that's what I'm telling myself to get my focus back on.
I can also look at it as a warning for..."this weight gain will turn into real weight gain if you don't get yourself back in gear."
Happy Thursday friends!
Remember to always look for the upside; even if it seems a little upside down!
Have a good Friday!
Sunshine Mama
So, I got off track last weekend and went over a little bit the first three days of this week. So...altogether that's five days where my calories weren't in line.
The scale socked me with a 2.8 pound gain.
NO WAY Hosea!
One pound is 3,500 calories. So...an almost 3 pound gain means that I had to eat about 10,500 calories over my limit.
That did not happen. Maybe 2,000 calories over.
So...that weight gain is an illusion.
And, no, I'm not in delusion about this either.
Because just you watch...if I stick to my diet over the next three or four days, I'll drop the weight.
So, does that mean I burned 10,500 calories worth in four days?
So, my contention is that the weight gain is an illusion.
At least that's what I'm telling myself to get my focus back on.
I can also look at it as a warning for..."this weight gain will turn into real weight gain if you don't get yourself back in gear."
Happy Thursday friends!
Remember to always look for the upside; even if it seems a little upside down!
Have a good Friday!
Sunshine Mama
Friday, July 8, 2011
My Little Mess-up
Hola compadres!
A little Friday post here! I'm on my way to get in a long bike ride this afternoon and them maybe later slip to the gym.
But I might as well admit now that I snuck into my husband's stash of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream this afternoon and had a good 3/4 cup worth of it. He got it from the same place that I get my awesome home made chocolate turtles.
I should have just ate my turtle...but I didn't know ahead of time that I would eat that much.
Ay carumba!
But it's ok. I'll just burn it off with this sweaty, hot six or seven or ten mile bike ride. Not sure how far away it is that I'm going.
Other than that, my diet is going perfect. I dropped 2/10 a pound today. You just wait, one of these next three days (provided I stay on my diet) about two pounds are going to drop.
Hope you're all having a good Friday!
Sunshine Mama
A little Friday post here! I'm on my way to get in a long bike ride this afternoon and them maybe later slip to the gym.
But I might as well admit now that I snuck into my husband's stash of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream this afternoon and had a good 3/4 cup worth of it. He got it from the same place that I get my awesome home made chocolate turtles.
I should have just ate my turtle...but I didn't know ahead of time that I would eat that much.
Ay carumba!
But it's ok. I'll just burn it off with this sweaty, hot six or seven or ten mile bike ride. Not sure how far away it is that I'm going.
Other than that, my diet is going perfect. I dropped 2/10 a pound today. You just wait, one of these next three days (provided I stay on my diet) about two pounds are going to drop.
Hope you're all having a good Friday!
Sunshine Mama
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Happy Thursday...Maybe A Day Off
Hi friends!
It appears that I am taking a day off from exercise today. But that is ok I think. Instead of six days of exercise like I originally planned, I will make it five days this week.
I was feeling cranky tonight and decided I'd better ask myself the "Am I hungry?" question. And actually I had put off that question for a few hours too long because in the mean time my crankiness propelled me into a little cleaning spat.
And moving the furniture around frenzy.
Ha! My family loves it when I do that.
I even got a "Is it that time of month?" question from my husband who was noting my ornery mood.
By the time it was all said and done, I had three chairs and a rocking chair out in the garage because they never get used and two lounge chairs in another room and things cleaned up so that Morning Glory, who is very mobile right now...won't get into stuff.
So, it wasn't all necessarily a bad cleaning spat.
But when my calories are already low...I need to pay better attention to the "hungry" signals and eat up. So, after dinner...
I ate some more.
And when I go home I just may eat more yet and top off at 1,400 calories.
I even have been thinking about that chocolate covered, caramel pecan turtle in the refrigerator that my husband bought last week.
Problem is...I don't want to eat it when it's "refrigerator cold". I need it softer for the full enjoyment...you know what I mean?
So...that in itself is one reason I haven't eaten it yet.
I don't want to wait for it to thaw.
That would be like premeditated cheating.
If it was a quick bite...then maybe I could say I became overwhelmed with desire for it.
Ha, isn't this funny?
Anyway....yeah! it's Friday tomorrow!
Does anyone have any fun plans for the weekend?
I have two picnics to prepare for because I'm definitely not wanting to get off course so I can LOSE some weight by Monday morning.
Keep up the good work!
Sunshine Mama
It appears that I am taking a day off from exercise today. But that is ok I think. Instead of six days of exercise like I originally planned, I will make it five days this week.
I was feeling cranky tonight and decided I'd better ask myself the "Am I hungry?" question. And actually I had put off that question for a few hours too long because in the mean time my crankiness propelled me into a little cleaning spat.
And moving the furniture around frenzy.
Ha! My family loves it when I do that.
I even got a "Is it that time of month?" question from my husband who was noting my ornery mood.
By the time it was all said and done, I had three chairs and a rocking chair out in the garage because they never get used and two lounge chairs in another room and things cleaned up so that Morning Glory, who is very mobile right now...won't get into stuff.
So, it wasn't all necessarily a bad cleaning spat.
But when my calories are already low...I need to pay better attention to the "hungry" signals and eat up. So, after dinner...
I ate some more.
And when I go home I just may eat more yet and top off at 1,400 calories.
I even have been thinking about that chocolate covered, caramel pecan turtle in the refrigerator that my husband bought last week.
Problem is...I don't want to eat it when it's "refrigerator cold". I need it softer for the full enjoyment...you know what I mean?
So...that in itself is one reason I haven't eaten it yet.
I don't want to wait for it to thaw.
That would be like premeditated cheating.
If it was a quick bite...then maybe I could say I became overwhelmed with desire for it.
Ha, isn't this funny?
Anyway....yeah! it's Friday tomorrow!
Does anyone have any fun plans for the weekend?
I have two picnics to prepare for because I'm definitely not wanting to get off course so I can LOSE some weight by Monday morning.
Keep up the good work!
Sunshine Mama
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Vice Grip On The Scale
Allow me a minute while I try and peel my fingers off my scale.
If my scale had feelings...it would think I was hovering over it...
It would say I was making it feel claustrophobic...and demand it's space.
This is the part of my diet where I'm so energized and determined to lose weight that it just doesn't seem to come off fast enough. I'm eating really well and exercising but, the scale, in my humble opinion is moving as slow as molasses in January.
Maybe even slower.
A few things will happen to me when I get like this. I feel impatient and begin to lament that it's
"taking forever" to lose this weight.
I look in the mirror and feel dejected thinking that this mountain may be too high to climb...and maybe I would be better off giving up and focusing on something else.
After all...how many times have I traveled this diet road?
How many times do I have to start over again?
When will I get to my perfect weight and stay there all the time?
(Ok... I know what you're thinking...maybe I'd get there when I stop having kids)
But PUllleeeasee....I lost 15 pounds then gained it right back...the baby had nothing to do with that.
Well...life, actually....a few highly stressful life events...thank you very much had to do with that weight gain. And let's walk out that little thought for a minute.
Say...for example...I hadn't lost those 15 pounds. Then...when the stressful event happened...I would be 15 pounds heavier. And instead of looking at those 15 pounds to lose, I'd be looking at thirty.
So, theoretically speaking, I didn't lose that weight "for nothing".
The only way we get a great body is by working on it and eating right.
80% of what we look like has to do with our diet.
But looking great takes time.
And somewhere along the line...that realization sinks in...and the healthy habits that I have started to form take over....
And before you know it...I've loosened my grip on the scale...and my patience increases...as my attitude elevates from eating good and working out.
And then, when I do have those unpleasant self-degrading thoughts (like today), I ask myself two questions.
Am I hungry?
Because eating a healthy snack will give you more energy and make me feel better (which I did do and I felt better).
Am I tired?
Because your outlook on life improves with more needed rest (I laid down to rest, and I did feel better).
So, yes, I gained 8/10 today on the scale. And, I, of all people know that fluctuations are perfectly normal. All I need to do is keep doing what I'm doing and the weight WILL COME OFF.
Now.. I think I'll go home. Relax.
After all... I did bike 2 1/2 miles, ran three miles, did an arm work-out and abdominals. And my calories topped off around 1,600. Plus I drank about 8 glasses of water and I had no caffeine.
Take heart friends; the weight will eventually come off.
Yours and mine. We just need to give it time.
Talk later!
Sunshine Mama
If my scale had feelings...it would think I was hovering over it...
It would say I was making it feel claustrophobic...and demand it's space.
This is the part of my diet where I'm so energized and determined to lose weight that it just doesn't seem to come off fast enough. I'm eating really well and exercising but, the scale, in my humble opinion is moving as slow as molasses in January.
Maybe even slower.
A few things will happen to me when I get like this. I feel impatient and begin to lament that it's
"taking forever" to lose this weight.
I look in the mirror and feel dejected thinking that this mountain may be too high to climb...and maybe I would be better off giving up and focusing on something else.
After all...how many times have I traveled this diet road?
How many times do I have to start over again?
When will I get to my perfect weight and stay there all the time?
(Ok... I know what you're thinking...maybe I'd get there when I stop having kids)
But PUllleeeasee....I lost 15 pounds then gained it right back...the baby had nothing to do with that.
Well...life, actually....a few highly stressful life events...thank you very much had to do with that weight gain. And let's walk out that little thought for a minute.
Say...for example...I hadn't lost those 15 pounds. Then...when the stressful event happened...I would be 15 pounds heavier. And instead of looking at those 15 pounds to lose, I'd be looking at thirty.
So, theoretically speaking, I didn't lose that weight "for nothing".
The only way we get a great body is by working on it and eating right.
80% of what we look like has to do with our diet.
But looking great takes time.
And somewhere along the line...that realization sinks in...and the healthy habits that I have started to form take over....
And before you know it...I've loosened my grip on the scale...and my patience increases...as my attitude elevates from eating good and working out.
And then, when I do have those unpleasant self-degrading thoughts (like today), I ask myself two questions.
Am I hungry?
Because eating a healthy snack will give you more energy and make me feel better (which I did do and I felt better).
Am I tired?
Because your outlook on life improves with more needed rest (I laid down to rest, and I did feel better).
So, yes, I gained 8/10 today on the scale. And, I, of all people know that fluctuations are perfectly normal. All I need to do is keep doing what I'm doing and the weight WILL COME OFF.
Now.. I think I'll go home. Relax.
After all... I did bike 2 1/2 miles, ran three miles, did an arm work-out and abdominals. And my calories topped off around 1,600. Plus I drank about 8 glasses of water and I had no caffeine.
Take heart friends; the weight will eventually come off.
Yours and mine. We just need to give it time.
Talk later!
Sunshine Mama
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
More Droppage
Hello y'all!
Hope you all had a good weekend. I'm doing well.
Let's see...since I started the no sugar, no flour, no caffeine part of my diet...I have dropped...2.2 pounds in three days.
I'm thinking I'd like to see another few pounds drop yet this week by next Saturday...for a total of four in seven days. I'm hoping that four days at the gym and five days of running this week will seal the deal.
You know what that husband of mine did?
On the Saturday that I took out all the sugar and flour?
He went to to the local shop that makes their own chocolate and picked me up a nice round piece of pecan turtle. It's my favorite kind of chocolate that they sell there.
Fortunately for him, I'm more curious than hungry. The chocolate hasn't tempted me too bad. I really, really want to see how much weight I can lose without messing up. So, maybe I'll have that chocolate in a few weeks when I feel like I've sated my curiosity. Until then, it's in the refrigerator.
I did want to say that I do believe I'm thinking more clearly....which feels refreshing.
Also, even though I've been slowly dropping my caffeine over the past four weeks, I do have some mild headaches at night.
Jeesh! just think how bad the headaches would be if I cut caffeine cold turkey.
Also, I've been getting in 8 to 10 glasses of water the last three days. And, my body has responded with producing more breast milk. Amazing.
Have a good one!
Sunshine Mama
Hope you all had a good weekend. I'm doing well.
Let's see...since I started the no sugar, no flour, no caffeine part of my diet...I have dropped...2.2 pounds in three days.
I'm thinking I'd like to see another few pounds drop yet this week by next Saturday...for a total of four in seven days. I'm hoping that four days at the gym and five days of running this week will seal the deal.
You know what that husband of mine did?
On the Saturday that I took out all the sugar and flour?
He went to to the local shop that makes their own chocolate and picked me up a nice round piece of pecan turtle. It's my favorite kind of chocolate that they sell there.
Fortunately for him, I'm more curious than hungry. The chocolate hasn't tempted me too bad. I really, really want to see how much weight I can lose without messing up. So, maybe I'll have that chocolate in a few weeks when I feel like I've sated my curiosity. Until then, it's in the refrigerator.
I did want to say that I do believe I'm thinking more clearly....which feels refreshing.
Also, even though I've been slowly dropping my caffeine over the past four weeks, I do have some mild headaches at night.
Jeesh! just think how bad the headaches would be if I cut caffeine cold turkey.
Also, I've been getting in 8 to 10 glasses of water the last three days. And, my body has responded with producing more breast milk. Amazing.
Have a good one!
Sunshine Mama
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Let The Fun Begin...
Today I'm officially starting my "body builder's" diet again.
No sugar, no flour and no processed foods.
It's also the my first day of no caffeine.
I have been in the weaning process of no caffeine for three to four weeks and today is the start of a new decaffeinated season.
I have also been trying to up my water intake. And with no caffeine that will be easier. And with this hot weather I will easily be able to get in 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.
Oh, I read in the paper that yesterday's high for La Crosse was actually 98 degrees with a heat index of 110. But only an hour away the heat index was recorded at 125.
Already today I've had ten egg whites, oatmeal, and orange and apple and will soon go home and eat my third meal of the day. I'm really curious to see how much more quickly the weight will drop.
For exercise, the plan today is to run three miles and get in some abdominal work.
Well, I hope you are all staying cool!
Sunshine Mama
No sugar, no flour and no processed foods.
It's also the my first day of no caffeine.
I have been in the weaning process of no caffeine for three to four weeks and today is the start of a new decaffeinated season.
I have also been trying to up my water intake. And with no caffeine that will be easier. And with this hot weather I will easily be able to get in 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.
Oh, I read in the paper that yesterday's high for La Crosse was actually 98 degrees with a heat index of 110. But only an hour away the heat index was recorded at 125.
Already today I've had ten egg whites, oatmeal, and orange and apple and will soon go home and eat my third meal of the day. I'm really curious to see how much more quickly the weight will drop.
For exercise, the plan today is to run three miles and get in some abdominal work.
Well, I hope you are all staying cool!
Sunshine Mama
Friday, July 1, 2011
Comments From the Peanut Gallery...
And I do mean peanut gallery.
Don't you think that would be a good name for your neighborhood bar? All bars have peanuts usually..or popcorn.
So...when you're someone like me...who happens to be jogging past one of these peanut galleries... ahem....or bars
In the middle of the afternoon...
Did I mention that it was 93 degrees with a heat index if 118?
And not that it matters...but this peanut gallery is painted pink...
With a very masculine military billboard on its side...
Strange contrast...but anyway...
And this is not the first time this has happened either..
But there is this railing from a side door that patrons of "the peanut gallery" like to hang out on and make comments to innocent passersby like myself....
enjoying a leisurely ...ok.... I admit...a very sweaty run..
So, there I am... running along...soaking up the sun...when I hear this dude hollering at me with something like..."It's really hot out there!!!"
I couldn't quite tell if he was scolding me, admiring me or well...let's be honest here...or maybe a little inebriated.
And when I glanced his way...yelling it once wasn't enough...so he hollered it out loud again...Again all I could catch was..."It's really hot out here."
So, I just shook my head and kept going.
Then, not two blocks later I am making my way across the street when I run abreast a young lady who comments to me,
"I wouldn't be running in weather like this!"
Hmmm....she was a nurse working at the local hospital and definitely not part of the peanut gallery crowd.
Hmm...maybe running in this weather is "comment worthy" after all.
But hey, I got my work-out in at the gym (a leg work-out), plus a run...and a funny story to share with you all.
Maybe I should take a picture of that pink bar. I guess I didn't realize it was pink until I looked at it on the way back home.
But anyway...on to my diet... I weighed myself again this morning. And the same thing that happened yesterday...happened again today. I breast fed Morning Glory and lost 6/10 a pound. At least I know he's getting plenty of the good stuff. I also feed him baby food three times a day. Different kinds of cereals, meat, vegetables, and fruit.
Well, I must be going now!
Hopefully this heat lets up soon.
Have a good one. It's Friday!!
Sunshine Mama
Don't you think that would be a good name for your neighborhood bar? All bars have peanuts usually..or popcorn.
So...when you're someone like me...who happens to be jogging past one of these peanut galleries... ahem....or bars
In the middle of the afternoon...
Did I mention that it was 93 degrees with a heat index if 118?
And not that it matters...but this peanut gallery is painted pink...
With a very masculine military billboard on its side...
Strange contrast...but anyway...
And this is not the first time this has happened either..
But there is this railing from a side door that patrons of "the peanut gallery" like to hang out on and make comments to innocent passersby like myself....
enjoying a leisurely ...ok.... I admit...a very sweaty run..
So, there I am... running along...soaking up the sun...when I hear this dude hollering at me with something like..."It's really hot out there!!!"
I couldn't quite tell if he was scolding me, admiring me or well...let's be honest here...or maybe a little inebriated.
And when I glanced his way...yelling it once wasn't enough...so he hollered it out loud again...Again all I could catch was..."It's really hot out here."
So, I just shook my head and kept going.
Then, not two blocks later I am making my way across the street when I run abreast a young lady who comments to me,
"I wouldn't be running in weather like this!"
Hmmm....she was a nurse working at the local hospital and definitely not part of the peanut gallery crowd.
Hmm...maybe running in this weather is "comment worthy" after all.
But hey, I got my work-out in at the gym (a leg work-out), plus a run...and a funny story to share with you all.
Maybe I should take a picture of that pink bar. I guess I didn't realize it was pink until I looked at it on the way back home.
But anyway...on to my diet... I weighed myself again this morning. And the same thing that happened yesterday...happened again today. I breast fed Morning Glory and lost 6/10 a pound. At least I know he's getting plenty of the good stuff. I also feed him baby food three times a day. Different kinds of cereals, meat, vegetables, and fruit.
Well, I must be going now!
Hopefully this heat lets up soon.
Have a good one. It's Friday!!
Sunshine Mama
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Happy Thursday And Interesting Weight Loss
Hello friends!
Today is a good day because I lost an entire pound from the day before. But before you get too excited with me...you'll have to read how I had to do some "finagling" to get the weight to drop.
So, I get on the scale this morning and it reads that I only dropped 2/10 a pound. At first I'm thinking..."great! Really wanted to see a bigger drop."
That's when I noticed that I'm slightly engorged and that Morning Glory could really use some breast milk. So, I dutifully took care of my son's dietary needs.
And five minutes later..... re-weighed myself.
That boy drank 8/10 of a pound in five minutes!!!
So, of course, that's the new weight I'm claiming.
Other than that, my calories are on target today. I plan on working out this evening because it's so hot here. I think we're in the 90s.
Hope you're all doing well and staying cool!
Sunshine Mama
Today is a good day because I lost an entire pound from the day before. But before you get too excited with me...you'll have to read how I had to do some "finagling" to get the weight to drop.
So, I get on the scale this morning and it reads that I only dropped 2/10 a pound. At first I'm thinking..."great! Really wanted to see a bigger drop."
That's when I noticed that I'm slightly engorged and that Morning Glory could really use some breast milk. So, I dutifully took care of my son's dietary needs.
And five minutes later..... re-weighed myself.
That boy drank 8/10 of a pound in five minutes!!!
So, of course, that's the new weight I'm claiming.
Other than that, my calories are on target today. I plan on working out this evening because it's so hot here. I think we're in the 90s.
Hope you're all doing well and staying cool!
Sunshine Mama
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
A Good Day!
Hello friends!
This will be a quick post because the library computers will shut off in five minutes. But I wanted to encourage you all to keep up the good work.
I got in a 2 1/2 mile run today, abs and a 40 minute arm work-out. My calories are currently at 1,405. But I'll probably eat a bomb pop when I get home.
Talk later!
Sunshine Mama
This will be a quick post because the library computers will shut off in five minutes. But I wanted to encourage you all to keep up the good work.
I got in a 2 1/2 mile run today, abs and a 40 minute arm work-out. My calories are currently at 1,405. But I'll probably eat a bomb pop when I get home.
Talk later!
Sunshine Mama
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Learning Little Lessons Every Day
Hi there folks!
Two weeks have gone by since I started my diet and I'm at about the same loss as I was at day two when I last blogged.
Pathetic, I know.
But not really. You see, I have been trying to lose weight and watch what I eat, but I have been encountering eating and working out obstacles that I have been working through. For some reason, it is just taking me longer to get going and to hold onto my focus.
So, although I have not lost a significant amount of weight, I have gained more knowledge on what will and will not work for me for where I'm at in my life right now.
What have I learned you ask?
Excellent question!
Well, I've learned that "winging it" at the family birthday party will not work in the whole scheme of weight loss. Key lime pie, home made lemon bars and chips really do add up. Actually, this something that I already knew, but just needed to be reminded of.
When it comes to social eating...at this point in the game, I just can't trust myself to be let loose at the local picnic without a plan. Those home made chocolate chip cookies and scotcheroos...no matter how small they're cut, are just too tempting. And, in the end, just add up to be too many calories.
Another thing I've learned.... I won't hit that two pound a week weight loss average unless I'm working out. You see...for various reasons, I did not work out last week. I counted calories and for the most part maintained...but for the results that I want to see...I need to be hitting the gym with more consistency and fervor.
As I recall, losing weight and looking great aren't for the faint of heart. But if my memory serves me right, it can be done by doing the little steps. Starting out with short runs. Weight lifting on lighter weights until I can do things that are more challenging. Writing down my calories even if I'm embarrassed by what I ate.
And most of all, not giving up because of my mistakes but instead learning from them.
Oh, and then there's that new little difference. I can't get to the computer every day or apparently every week for that matter to write about my progress. But I do have my home made journal which is what I have always successfully used in the past.
Well, I hope you are all enjoying the summer thus far!
Sunshine Mama
Two weeks have gone by since I started my diet and I'm at about the same loss as I was at day two when I last blogged.
Pathetic, I know.
But not really. You see, I have been trying to lose weight and watch what I eat, but I have been encountering eating and working out obstacles that I have been working through. For some reason, it is just taking me longer to get going and to hold onto my focus.
So, although I have not lost a significant amount of weight, I have gained more knowledge on what will and will not work for me for where I'm at in my life right now.
What have I learned you ask?
Excellent question!
Well, I've learned that "winging it" at the family birthday party will not work in the whole scheme of weight loss. Key lime pie, home made lemon bars and chips really do add up. Actually, this something that I already knew, but just needed to be reminded of.
When it comes to social eating...at this point in the game, I just can't trust myself to be let loose at the local picnic without a plan. Those home made chocolate chip cookies and scotcheroos...no matter how small they're cut, are just too tempting. And, in the end, just add up to be too many calories.
Another thing I've learned.... I won't hit that two pound a week weight loss average unless I'm working out. You see...for various reasons, I did not work out last week. I counted calories and for the most part maintained...but for the results that I want to see...I need to be hitting the gym with more consistency and fervor.
As I recall, losing weight and looking great aren't for the faint of heart. But if my memory serves me right, it can be done by doing the little steps. Starting out with short runs. Weight lifting on lighter weights until I can do things that are more challenging. Writing down my calories even if I'm embarrassed by what I ate.
And most of all, not giving up because of my mistakes but instead learning from them.
Oh, and then there's that new little difference. I can't get to the computer every day or apparently every week for that matter to write about my progress. But I do have my home made journal which is what I have always successfully used in the past.
Well, I hope you are all enjoying the summer thus far!
Sunshine Mama
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Losing And A Grooving
Don't you just love all that weight loss the first week of a diet?
Hello friends! How are you all? I need to check up on you all to see what's been going on.
I started my diet on Monday. Ate about 1,700-1,800 calories and dropped one pound. Then yesterday, Tuesday, I worked out and ate 1,759 and lost 1.6 pounds this morning for a total lost of 2.6 pounds in two days.
There have been a few painful episodes of resistance. Like on Monday, Daddy Rainmaker wakes up and what does he want?
Doughnuts. And at my favorite bakery no less. So...I resisted getting a doughnut for myself while at the same time getting doughnuts for everyone else. It's like...why couldn't you have wanted to get those doughnuts on Sunday morning? When I could have had one.
Oh, and if you're wondering why Daddy Rainmaker is at home on a Monday morning...well, he is no longer employed at his previous job.
So glad that stressful situation is over. Now we can move on and do a few things that we've wanted to do...like starting a lawn care business...painting the house, going on vacations longer than expected because the job isn't calling him back to work...
Well, I plan on getting in a few more days at the gym this week. I've been biking and doing some elliptical this week. However, I may start running in a few days to begin building my base for that half marathon in September.
I haven't completely cut out sugar at the start of this diet, but am aiming at working toward that. I'm allowing myself 40 calorie Blue Bunny bomb pops when the snacking urge arises. I'm getting in at least one spinach salad a day. I'm avoiding white flour, though I did have some last night. I am working toward weaning myself off of caffeine. It may take another three weeks before I'm completely off of it.
I know what I need to do to lose twenty pounds in ten weeks.
Here's to another stab at it!
I will do it. Eventually!
Hope you're all doing well!
Sunshine Mama
Hello friends! How are you all? I need to check up on you all to see what's been going on.
I started my diet on Monday. Ate about 1,700-1,800 calories and dropped one pound. Then yesterday, Tuesday, I worked out and ate 1,759 and lost 1.6 pounds this morning for a total lost of 2.6 pounds in two days.
There have been a few painful episodes of resistance. Like on Monday, Daddy Rainmaker wakes up and what does he want?
Doughnuts. And at my favorite bakery no less. So...I resisted getting a doughnut for myself while at the same time getting doughnuts for everyone else. It's like...why couldn't you have wanted to get those doughnuts on Sunday morning? When I could have had one.
Oh, and if you're wondering why Daddy Rainmaker is at home on a Monday morning...well, he is no longer employed at his previous job.
So glad that stressful situation is over. Now we can move on and do a few things that we've wanted to do...like starting a lawn care business...painting the house, going on vacations longer than expected because the job isn't calling him back to work...
Well, I plan on getting in a few more days at the gym this week. I've been biking and doing some elliptical this week. However, I may start running in a few days to begin building my base for that half marathon in September.
I haven't completely cut out sugar at the start of this diet, but am aiming at working toward that. I'm allowing myself 40 calorie Blue Bunny bomb pops when the snacking urge arises. I'm getting in at least one spinach salad a day. I'm avoiding white flour, though I did have some last night. I am working toward weaning myself off of caffeine. It may take another three weeks before I'm completely off of it.
I know what I need to do to lose twenty pounds in ten weeks.
Here's to another stab at it!
I will do it. Eventually!
Hope you're all doing well!
Sunshine Mama
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Congratulations SunshineMeg/ Starting Diet Again
Hello friends!
Sorry I've been gone for so long. But my one week vacation turned into two weeks. Then, when I got home, I was knee deep in cleaning and organizing the house. So, by the time I got to the library last Friday night, I hadn't been on my blog in about three weeks. So, first thing I did was check two weeks or so worth of e-mail.
Then, with about three minutes left on the computer I looked at my blog.
"Hmmm, what's this? SunshineMeg wants me to check out her 5/26 post...
By the time I get over there I have literally two minutes before the library is going to shut down the computers, and I find out...
SunshineMeg is pregnant!!!!
Holy K-Moly!!!
Congratulations! Our family is so excited for you. Let me see...5/26...you're probably four weeks pregnant...so you add eight months and we're at late January or early February. A little winter baby!!
And I also checked out your recent posts to see how you're doing and your belly looks as flat as ever. Sounds like you were a little sick, but not necessarily from morning sickness. Maybe you won't have morning sickness? Of the six kids that I've had...I had morning sickness with every one of them except this last one. The only thing I did different with this one was to not eat any sugar, white flour, even wheat flour and processed foods.
But speaking of foods...I actually gained five pounds over that last two weeks while on vacation. That was in addition to an earlier five pound gain. So...starting tomorrow/Monday...I will be starting my diet again.
I will admit that I don't feel that motivated... so I will be incorporating my little tricks to get myself going on this diet. I will write down what I eat, but will probably "guess" at the calories for the first week.
I did a leg work-out last week, so I plan on weightlifting three to five days this week. And, because I took a few weeks off because of my vacation, I may not push myself too hard in this first week back.
There also is a half marathon late September that I want to train for too. I haven't run in four or five weeks, so I am literally starting from scratch with the running. But I have started from scratch so many times because of babies, or other reasons, that I know what to do. And, hey, what great weather to start running in!
Hopefully I am able to update my blog more than once every two weeks, Ha!
Talk to you all soon!
Sunshine Mama
Sorry I've been gone for so long. But my one week vacation turned into two weeks. Then, when I got home, I was knee deep in cleaning and organizing the house. So, by the time I got to the library last Friday night, I hadn't been on my blog in about three weeks. So, first thing I did was check two weeks or so worth of e-mail.
Then, with about three minutes left on the computer I looked at my blog.
"Hmmm, what's this? SunshineMeg wants me to check out her 5/26 post...
By the time I get over there I have literally two minutes before the library is going to shut down the computers, and I find out...
SunshineMeg is pregnant!!!!
Holy K-Moly!!!
Congratulations! Our family is so excited for you. Let me see...5/26...you're probably four weeks pregnant...so you add eight months and we're at late January or early February. A little winter baby!!
And I also checked out your recent posts to see how you're doing and your belly looks as flat as ever. Sounds like you were a little sick, but not necessarily from morning sickness. Maybe you won't have morning sickness? Of the six kids that I've had...I had morning sickness with every one of them except this last one. The only thing I did different with this one was to not eat any sugar, white flour, even wheat flour and processed foods.
But speaking of foods...I actually gained five pounds over that last two weeks while on vacation. That was in addition to an earlier five pound gain. So...starting tomorrow/Monday...I will be starting my diet again.
I will admit that I don't feel that motivated... so I will be incorporating my little tricks to get myself going on this diet. I will write down what I eat, but will probably "guess" at the calories for the first week.
I did a leg work-out last week, so I plan on weightlifting three to five days this week. And, because I took a few weeks off because of my vacation, I may not push myself too hard in this first week back.
There also is a half marathon late September that I want to train for too. I haven't run in four or five weeks, so I am literally starting from scratch with the running. But I have started from scratch so many times because of babies, or other reasons, that I know what to do. And, hey, what great weather to start running in!
Hopefully I am able to update my blog more than once every two weeks, Ha!
Talk to you all soon!
Sunshine Mama
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Another Tornado...and Thank You Followers
Hello folks!
I've been a bad blogger, but you all keep following me anyway. Thank you! It's been almost a week since I have been able to get to the library and check my email and blog. When I left I was at 99 followers and today I noticed that I'm over 100. Thank you for following.
Now I just need to write something worth reading. Ha!
Well, here's the deal. I leave for a family reunion tomorrow and won't be back until next Monday. But I want to "re-start" my diet again. So, there's that.
Also, remember when I went running during a tornado/hail storm about five weeks ago? Well, another tornado literally touched down in my neighborhood Sunday afternoon, at 4:15 p.m.
Literally TWO WHOLE BLOCKS from where I live. Roofs were taken off buildings. Trees fell onto houses! Steel siding from industrial storage buildings flew off and wrapped around poles and trees. Unbelievable stuff literally two blocks from us and we didn't even know it happened until I saw all these cars driving by our house like there was some music concert down the street because they couldn't get through the main streets. Then because there was no power, people were out walking around, with the sun shining no less, all this damage taking pictures. So, I took a few walks, and took a bunch of pictures to share with you. Something I'd like to do when I come back.
I bet you if you really, really wanted to see pictures you could google Tornado in La Crosse WI and you'd find something.
Otherwise, I need to finish getting everybody ready for a trip for tomorrow.
But, thanks again everyone and I hope you all enjoy your Memorial Day weekend.
Sunshine Mama
I've been a bad blogger, but you all keep following me anyway. Thank you! It's been almost a week since I have been able to get to the library and check my email and blog. When I left I was at 99 followers and today I noticed that I'm over 100. Thank you for following.
Now I just need to write something worth reading. Ha!
Well, here's the deal. I leave for a family reunion tomorrow and won't be back until next Monday. But I want to "re-start" my diet again. So, there's that.
Also, remember when I went running during a tornado/hail storm about five weeks ago? Well, another tornado literally touched down in my neighborhood Sunday afternoon, at 4:15 p.m.
Literally TWO WHOLE BLOCKS from where I live. Roofs were taken off buildings. Trees fell onto houses! Steel siding from industrial storage buildings flew off and wrapped around poles and trees. Unbelievable stuff literally two blocks from us and we didn't even know it happened until I saw all these cars driving by our house like there was some music concert down the street because they couldn't get through the main streets. Then because there was no power, people were out walking around, with the sun shining no less, all this damage taking pictures. So, I took a few walks, and took a bunch of pictures to share with you. Something I'd like to do when I come back.
I bet you if you really, really wanted to see pictures you could google Tornado in La Crosse WI and you'd find something.
Otherwise, I need to finish getting everybody ready for a trip for tomorrow.
But, thanks again everyone and I hope you all enjoy your Memorial Day weekend.
Sunshine Mama
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Happy Thursday!!! 6 Month Pictures of Morning Glory
It's the moment you've all been waiting for.... I figured it out...
And, of course, we have to start this session with his feet.
Here he is hanging out in some one's lap.
Looking down...happy.

Also, if you look close you can see the scratch on his cheek.
I noticed that today it is lighter...so maybe it will fade away.
Also, Darling Rose took this photo...
Also, Darling Rose took this photo...
And this last photo...
Yesterday he weighed about 15 1/2 pounds first thing in the morning.
I started feeding him organic, iron fortified brown rice cereal three times a day about two weeks ago. He's doing well on that. I wish he'd gain more weight, but all of our kids tend to be "lightweights".
So, I hope that gives you all some perspective. And, the good news is that I know how to transport pictures, so, maybe I can get picture in more often.
Hope you all have a good weekend!
Sunshine Mama
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Hello everyone!
Yes, I miss you all very much. I'm sorry Greg hurt his leg, SunshineMeg. I don't know what I would do if that happened to me. He has such good spirit. I hope he will still be able to do something that he likes. A surprise birthday party sounds like just the ticket.
And little Morning Glory will officially be six months old tomorrow on the 4th. Nov. 4th to May 4th. I really should try to get some pictures posted. I'm a little annoyed about something though. You see one of our children, Iris Anna, (she's six) was trying to buckle him in the swing and he slid forward and scraped his little cheek. It was barely anything..he didn't even cry. But there is a scrape nonetheless. And I'm feeling very anxious that it might scar. To me he is just the most beautiful thing ever. I love him so much. It happened about five days ago...so I still need to give it more time to heal and disappear? I hope so.
I have also just noticed that I have 98 followers. Thank you all you new followers for signing up despite my lack of posting.
I also wanted to shout out a congratulations to my brother and and his wife for finishing that half marathon that I had planned on doing but then didn't. My brother's best half time before this was 1 hour 57 minutes. He had wanted to beat my time of 1 hour and 53 minutes. Actually he really, really wanted to get 1 hour and 45 minutes. Well, guess what he got?
1 hour and 44 minutes!!! Yeah!! for him !!!
My sister-in-law, the one that ran races while pregnant with her fourth baby last year, completed the half marathon in 2 hours and 3 minutes. Now I haven't gotten the full scoop from her, but that is an awesome time for just having a baby less than a year ago. She also works full time as a teacher at a school and takes care of all the kids.
So, now I just need to get my bee-hind in gear and train for the half marathon in late September.
Well, the sun finally came out today! It's been cold here lately, but hopefully the sun will stay out for a few days this week.
I will take some photos of Morning Glory tomorrow and see if I can do something with them. I promise!
Talk later!
Sunshine Mama
Yes, I miss you all very much. I'm sorry Greg hurt his leg, SunshineMeg. I don't know what I would do if that happened to me. He has such good spirit. I hope he will still be able to do something that he likes. A surprise birthday party sounds like just the ticket.
And little Morning Glory will officially be six months old tomorrow on the 4th. Nov. 4th to May 4th. I really should try to get some pictures posted. I'm a little annoyed about something though. You see one of our children, Iris Anna, (she's six) was trying to buckle him in the swing and he slid forward and scraped his little cheek. It was barely anything..he didn't even cry. But there is a scrape nonetheless. And I'm feeling very anxious that it might scar. To me he is just the most beautiful thing ever. I love him so much. It happened about five days ago...so I still need to give it more time to heal and disappear? I hope so.
I have also just noticed that I have 98 followers. Thank you all you new followers for signing up despite my lack of posting.
I also wanted to shout out a congratulations to my brother and and his wife for finishing that half marathon that I had planned on doing but then didn't. My brother's best half time before this was 1 hour 57 minutes. He had wanted to beat my time of 1 hour and 53 minutes. Actually he really, really wanted to get 1 hour and 45 minutes. Well, guess what he got?
1 hour and 44 minutes!!! Yeah!! for him !!!
My sister-in-law, the one that ran races while pregnant with her fourth baby last year, completed the half marathon in 2 hours and 3 minutes. Now I haven't gotten the full scoop from her, but that is an awesome time for just having a baby less than a year ago. She also works full time as a teacher at a school and takes care of all the kids.
So, now I just need to get my bee-hind in gear and train for the half marathon in late September.
Well, the sun finally came out today! It's been cold here lately, but hopefully the sun will stay out for a few days this week.
I will take some photos of Morning Glory tomorrow and see if I can do something with them. I promise!
Talk later!
Sunshine Mama
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Hello! just a quick little hi!
I made it to the gym tonight and last night. I'm in a good mood. I felt strong on both my work-outs and I'm feeling the itch to run. I haven't ran in a more than a week. Since the tornado/hail run. I don't think not running and the tornado run are related. No post traumatic stress disorder there.I actually really enjoyed running in such a fierce storm. It doesn't happen very often and I'm not afraid of rainy runs.
Other than that, I have really been enjoying our almost six month old Morning Glory. I am in love with him. I just started feeding him organic whole grain rice cereal last week and he's doing a good job eating it up. I know... pictures. I will get to that eventually.
I must skeedaddle now.
Keep up the good work!
Sunshine Mama
I made it to the gym tonight and last night. I'm in a good mood. I felt strong on both my work-outs and I'm feeling the itch to run. I haven't ran in a more than a week. Since the tornado/hail run. I don't think not running and the tornado run are related. No post traumatic stress disorder there.I actually really enjoyed running in such a fierce storm. It doesn't happen very often and I'm not afraid of rainy runs.
Other than that, I have really been enjoying our almost six month old Morning Glory. I am in love with him. I just started feeding him organic whole grain rice cereal last week and he's doing a good job eating it up. I know... pictures. I will get to that eventually.
I must skeedaddle now.
Keep up the good work!
Sunshine Mama
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Happy Thursday!!
Hello! I am actually alive! Somebody said something to me tonight that brought a smile to my face and made me laugh. So, I thought I'd share it with you.
A few days ago, I went to the local gas/convenience store to pick up some bananas. Whenever I buy bananas it is always at least four or five good sized bunches because all of our kids eat them, plus we use them in protein shakes. So, I was at the counter when this guy behind me who was observing my banana purchase says to me, "You must have some monkeys at home."
I said, "Yes, we have six kids."
Then he goes, "Do you work out at the gym? You must have had your baby, you used to be pregnant. I don't even remember you getting that big!"
I respond, "yes, I had him and he's doing great. He's five months old."
Ok...so fast forward to tonight at the gym. I had just gotten done telling our 16-year-old daughter about this guy who saw me buying five bunches of bananas. Then I look...and there he is in the gym. Tonight.
Then, several minutes later as I'm getting a few dumbbells, he sees me nearby and gives me a little nod of recognition and says... get this...
"Banana Lady".
Yes, he called me banana lady. Nice. It cracked me up.
Well, other than that, I will make it to the gym for a fourth day this week tomorrow. So, that's good. And I still plan on telling you my "tornado/hail run" story. Also, I tried "re-starting" my diet this week, but fell a little short. I did buy a notebook to start counting calories. The good thing in all of this is despite all the stress that has really pushed back some of my fitness goals, I really have pretty much stayed the same weight. I'm still at about a ten pound drop.
Well, I hope you are all doing well!
Sunshine Mama
A few days ago, I went to the local gas/convenience store to pick up some bananas. Whenever I buy bananas it is always at least four or five good sized bunches because all of our kids eat them, plus we use them in protein shakes. So, I was at the counter when this guy behind me who was observing my banana purchase says to me, "You must have some monkeys at home."
I said, "Yes, we have six kids."
Then he goes, "Do you work out at the gym? You must have had your baby, you used to be pregnant. I don't even remember you getting that big!"
I respond, "yes, I had him and he's doing great. He's five months old."
Ok...so fast forward to tonight at the gym. I had just gotten done telling our 16-year-old daughter about this guy who saw me buying five bunches of bananas. Then I look...and there he is in the gym. Tonight.
Then, several minutes later as I'm getting a few dumbbells, he sees me nearby and gives me a little nod of recognition and says... get this...
"Banana Lady".
Yes, he called me banana lady. Nice. It cracked me up.
Well, other than that, I will make it to the gym for a fourth day this week tomorrow. So, that's good. And I still plan on telling you my "tornado/hail run" story. Also, I tried "re-starting" my diet this week, but fell a little short. I did buy a notebook to start counting calories. The good thing in all of this is despite all the stress that has really pushed back some of my fitness goals, I really have pretty much stayed the same weight. I'm still at about a ten pound drop.
Well, I hope you are all doing well!
Sunshine Mama
Monday, April 11, 2011
You guys are so encouraging to me. Thank you. I only have two minutes before they shut off the computers here, but I really need to tell you about the run I did yesterday when the weather turned into tornado like conditions and it started hailing. Ha! Ha! It was funny. Good stuff. You're comments cheered me up. I will share that story soon. Thanks for hanging in there with me! SM
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Hello folks! Although, I have tried, I can't get blogger to stop posting my posts in paragraph form. So, please bear with me. I have to admit that I have not been following my diet like I should nor exercising like I should. However, there is still a lot going on in my life and so I am doing the best I can. I have little conversations with myself like this: "You are doing ok. And when things lighten up...you can focus more on exercising the way you want to exercise. After all exercise and good health are life time commitments and may be subject to the ups and downs of life itself. This is not a race." For me, it helps to have short term and long term athletic goals to help keep me focused, but, right now I feel extremely distracted by other things that demand my time. I feel like I am being pulled from three or four different directions by things that all have this monumental importance attached. And, hey, they say it's going to be 81 degrees on Sunday! And then back to the 50s and 60s on Monday. Ahh..gotta love spring. I could go for a run in shorts! Love you all! Sincerely, Sunshine Mama
Sunday, March 27, 2011
It's Been A Few Weeks
Hi friends! Sorry for not writing in the last few weeks. wow, not having Internet...when stressful things come along...the first thing to go is the trip to the library to post something. There have been some stressful things in our life that has commanded my attention, so I haven't posted and also haven't been running like I would like. A few weeks ago I dropped three or four pounds in a week because I was stressed, but then I gained a few pounds back the stress decreased. But, overall I am actually down to about 13 pounds lost. I was actually down to a 15 pound total loss a few weeks ago. So, because my running has been slack, I don't think I can be ready for that half marathon. However, I may scale back to instead doing a five mile run. The half marathon that I had wanted to compete in also has different distances that you can run. So, if it has a five mile run, I may just do that instead. I also had to take a week off from weight lifting, but I did get in four good days of lifting at the gym last week. Oh, and Morning Glory is so cute right now. He's almost five months. I'm working on figuring out a way to get you all some pictures of him for an update. Other than that, the family is doing well and things are not as stressful as they were. So, hopefully I can focus more on posting and visiting you all. Sincerely, Sunshine Mama
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
I dropped that 11th pound
Hi there!
I have very short time available to me again. However, I did want to announce that the scale did say this morning that I have dropped 11 pounds total!
Of course I won't make 20 pounds in ten weeks, but that's ok.
I will get there, and you all will too. The key is to just keep trudging along.
I hope you're all doing well!
Sunshine Mama
I have very short time available to me again. However, I did want to announce that the scale did say this morning that I have dropped 11 pounds total!
Of course I won't make 20 pounds in ten weeks, but that's ok.
I will get there, and you all will too. The key is to just keep trudging along.
I hope you're all doing well!
Sunshine Mama
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Losing A Little More...
Hello friends!
I posted a 10.6 pound loss this morning. I'm still hoping to see an 11 pound loss by the end of the week. I've been running more in preparation for a half marathon in eight weeks. I think that may help.
Also I started taking Fenu Greek this week and and do think it may be helping me with producing more breast milk for Morning Glory. I continue to lift weights four to five days a week. Last week I got in five days. I posted a six mile run on Sunday and will probably try to hit a seven or eight miler this weekend.
Thanks for your encouragement. I do miss the Internet. Thanks Dad for commenting. I love you.
Have a good one!
Sunshine Mama
I posted a 10.6 pound loss this morning. I'm still hoping to see an 11 pound loss by the end of the week. I've been running more in preparation for a half marathon in eight weeks. I think that may help.
Also I started taking Fenu Greek this week and and do think it may be helping me with producing more breast milk for Morning Glory. I continue to lift weights four to five days a week. Last week I got in five days. I posted a six mile run on Sunday and will probably try to hit a seven or eight miler this weekend.
Thanks for your encouragement. I do miss the Internet. Thanks Dad for commenting. I love you.
Have a good one!
Sunshine Mama
Saturday, February 26, 2011
A Saturday Post
Hola compadres!
It's Saturday and snowing here in La Crosse, Wi. Superbowl paraphernalia is still being sold. Some really nice stuff too.
It's sure feels different writing my blog at the library on a Saturday than it does doing it in the comfort of my own home...usually at night. I'm actually kind of missing it. I feel like it affects my dietary focus a little. I actually ate some sugar and white flour last night.
As much as I love Morning Glory...I feel annoyed and a little down at how slowly the weight is dropping. So, this weekend, I'd like to pick up some Fenu Greek, which is a natural supplement that helps increase breast milk production. I'd like to start counting calories again. I haven't been in the last few weeks. I'm also looking at the calendar and making plans to prepare to run in a half marathon race in about eight weeks. Having an athletic goal for me to prepare for has always helped me to lose weight.
I still am weight lifting four to five days a week. I usually run five to six days a week, but while training for the half marathon, my mileage will increase.
I plan also to try and phase out caffeine in the next four weeks so that I can more easily take in that eight to ten cups of water a day that I need to not only facilitate weight loss but insure that Morning Glory gets his milk. I also feel that caffeine makes me more tired in the long run. No caffeine will make sure that Morning Glory isn't staying up later at night than he should be, which will help me get to sleep earlier, thus giving me more energy for everything that I do during the day.
I talked to my sister who has been off caffeine for three months and she has noticed that she is "happy" when she gets up in the morning. I want that too, friends!
This morning I weighed in at about a nine pound loss. By next Saturday...I'm hoping for an eleven pound loss. We'll see!!
This morning, Morning Glory weighed 13.6 pounds. So his weight has increased by 6/10 a pound since two weeks ago.
There is a way for me to get pictures to my blog, but I just haven't gotten my act together enough to make it happen. I've also thought about keeping a written "blog diary" during the week and then publishing it when I have the chance to get on line because I really do enjoy conveying my thoughts into words.
Talk to you later friends!
Sunshine Mama
It's Saturday and snowing here in La Crosse, Wi. Superbowl paraphernalia is still being sold. Some really nice stuff too.
It's sure feels different writing my blog at the library on a Saturday than it does doing it in the comfort of my own home...usually at night. I'm actually kind of missing it. I feel like it affects my dietary focus a little. I actually ate some sugar and white flour last night.
As much as I love Morning Glory...I feel annoyed and a little down at how slowly the weight is dropping. So, this weekend, I'd like to pick up some Fenu Greek, which is a natural supplement that helps increase breast milk production. I'd like to start counting calories again. I haven't been in the last few weeks. I'm also looking at the calendar and making plans to prepare to run in a half marathon race in about eight weeks. Having an athletic goal for me to prepare for has always helped me to lose weight.
I still am weight lifting four to five days a week. I usually run five to six days a week, but while training for the half marathon, my mileage will increase.
I plan also to try and phase out caffeine in the next four weeks so that I can more easily take in that eight to ten cups of water a day that I need to not only facilitate weight loss but insure that Morning Glory gets his milk. I also feel that caffeine makes me more tired in the long run. No caffeine will make sure that Morning Glory isn't staying up later at night than he should be, which will help me get to sleep earlier, thus giving me more energy for everything that I do during the day.
I talked to my sister who has been off caffeine for three months and she has noticed that she is "happy" when she gets up in the morning. I want that too, friends!
This morning I weighed in at about a nine pound loss. By next Saturday...I'm hoping for an eleven pound loss. We'll see!!
This morning, Morning Glory weighed 13.6 pounds. So his weight has increased by 6/10 a pound since two weeks ago.
There is a way for me to get pictures to my blog, but I just haven't gotten my act together enough to make it happen. I've also thought about keeping a written "blog diary" during the week and then publishing it when I have the chance to get on line because I really do enjoy conveying my thoughts into words.
Talk to you later friends!
Sunshine Mama
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
A Ten Minute Post
Hello friends!
Well, I've stopped walking by the computer and looking longingly at it. It's been about two weeks with no internet at home and I think I just may be getting used to not having it.
I hit a 10.4 pound loss on Sunday morning and then fluctuated to a 9.6 pound loss today. So, the trend continues to be continued weight loss. I'm not on track for losing 20 pounds in ten weeks, though. I simply can't expect to lose it at the rate that I did last time when I'm taking in more calories. But, I need those extra calories for Morning Glory.
The last time that I lost 20 pounds in 10 weeks I was not breastfeeding. hmm...but I feel good about attacking another ten pounds and I yearn for the day when spring arrives and I'm looking closer to the way I want to look.
You guys are so kind to leave me comments when I cannot be around to respond to them.
But just think...this is the last week of February....after March it's all spring baby...sure there may be some "cool-ish" days but it means longer days...warmer on-coming weather...
This is the time folks where we have to buckle down and press into our goals. By the middle of April or the start of May...several weeks from now...we can get a lot of good fat loss in and a lot of toning, so that by the time that warm weather hits, we are feeling and looking good.
All you winter weather folks, we're almost there! Spring is in sight...we're almost through the worst of winter. Hang in there! You can do it!
I hope to get in to blog again soon. Maybe Thursday or Saturday!
Have a good one!
Sunshine Mama
Well, I've stopped walking by the computer and looking longingly at it. It's been about two weeks with no internet at home and I think I just may be getting used to not having it.
I hit a 10.4 pound loss on Sunday morning and then fluctuated to a 9.6 pound loss today. So, the trend continues to be continued weight loss. I'm not on track for losing 20 pounds in ten weeks, though. I simply can't expect to lose it at the rate that I did last time when I'm taking in more calories. But, I need those extra calories for Morning Glory.
The last time that I lost 20 pounds in 10 weeks I was not breastfeeding. hmm...but I feel good about attacking another ten pounds and I yearn for the day when spring arrives and I'm looking closer to the way I want to look.
You guys are so kind to leave me comments when I cannot be around to respond to them.
But just think...this is the last week of February....after March it's all spring baby...sure there may be some "cool-ish" days but it means longer days...warmer on-coming weather...
This is the time folks where we have to buckle down and press into our goals. By the middle of April or the start of May...several weeks from now...we can get a lot of good fat loss in and a lot of toning, so that by the time that warm weather hits, we are feeling and looking good.
All you winter weather folks, we're almost there! Spring is in sight...we're almost through the worst of winter. Hang in there! You can do it!
I hope to get in to blog again soon. Maybe Thursday or Saturday!
Have a good one!
Sunshine Mama
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