All of my Thursdays are happy now because I turn another week farther along every Thursday. Today I am 16 weeks along...aka...four months. I suppose I should start saying how many "months" along I am now rather than weeks so that the person I say it to doesn't need to mentally calculate how many months.
I usually prefer to get dressed up and put on some make-up before doing these progress pictures...but I've been in a carefree little mood today and decided I'd post myself looking like I do every day...which is nothing spectacular. Ha, Ha!!
Hey, when you're at home with the kids, it's not a fashion show for sure. Heck, I don't even match. You guys have seen my big red winter coat right? It's all about comfort and practicality around here. So, without further ado...here I am in my pink shorts and Batman t-shirt. I love my Batman t-shirt. Don't ask me why.
Oh, little side-note here. Lindsey suggested I not find out what we're having and let it be a surprise. We have done it that way with all of the other pregnancies. This one will be different because...the last time I did it that way, it was hard to "get out" and get all the clothes for the new baby because of feeling tired from just having a baby and just having a heavy work load from dealing with the other kids.
Also, I gave away all of my infant sized clothes in December. And, quite honestly, if I see something at the store or a garage sale this summer that I really think is cute, I want to just be able to get it. So, then, by the time baby arrives...his or her wardrobe is ready.
So, since this is a diet blog....
here's some breakfast food...
1/4 cup of steel cut oats, cinnamon, Brazilian nuts and four small strawberries cut up.

But I had more...than this.
Can you guess how much more?
Cause I'm not telling. Ha, Ha!
I don't want to make bread a daily habit, (or doughnuts for that matter)
But this just tasted really good.
Three pieces of turkey bacon...
One whole egg with two or three egg whites fried up with that ground turkey mix and sprinkled with a little mozzarella cheese...
about 1/2 cup of these baked potatoes seasoned with olive oil, paprika, turkey bacon bits, parsley and garlic salt.
I had more than what's pictured to eat today, but didn't photograph it all.
I still over-ate a little today but I have plans to make some healthy foods tomorrow.
I'm glad some of you were encouraged by yesterday's post.
We definitely need to be speaking as much positivity into ourselves as we can.
Each day is another opportunity given to us to improve upon ourselves whether it be eating better food, getting out for a walk or cleaning the house and just feeling more organized.
It had been two days since I worked out, and after I worked out tonight, I felt just great.
You quickly forget how getting in some exercise really does improve your mood and give you a better perspective on life.
And we can all use a better perspective!
Well, tomorrow is Fantasy food friday. I'm not sure what to write about.
I think I might change up the rules slightly.
We'll have to see.
Also Friday is our 103-month wedding anniversary.
Have a good one folks!
Sunshine Mama
Love your little bump:o)
ReplyDeleteYou are the only one I've ever seen using Brazil nuts for anything besides a mixed nut assortment. I'm allergic to Brazil and Walnuts...but I'm using almonds in things lately.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for Fantasy Food Friday!
Oh...Happy 103rd month annivesary!
You are looking great! That is the tiniest cutest bump = ) Happy anniversary too. We are coming up on 6 months. How time flies!
ReplyDeleteHope you and the gang have a great weekend with good weather and lots of nice things for Mother's Day!!!
Looking great! As always! :)
ReplyDeleteHonestly, you are adorable!!!!!!! I'm going to make some steel cut oats tomorrow. I've been eating grapefruit everyday and really enjoying it. I didn't buy the huge package at Costco though because they looked moldy.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what the Fantasy will be tomorrow...
What a great looking BABY BUMP! :) Have you felt any kicks yet? :) Great looking eats again today! I need to photograph stuff...maybe that will keep me from eating 337897892782743 cookies! :P
ReplyDeleteI need a really good workout too...thanks for the reminder of how good it feels! :)
You look awesome in your Batman t-shirt!
you look fantastic! congratulations! xoxo
ReplyDeleteHappy Mother's Day! I didn't want to forget to tell you that. Enjoy your day and get some much needed relaxing in.
ReplyDeletewell i guess since you were surprised all the other times you can find out for this one :) i will let it slide ;)