Happy Thursday folks!!
According to last week's ultrasound, I'm 17 weeks along today!
Yeah!!No, Dawn, I decided not to post a picture of myself. I guess I didn't feel like being photographed today. Maybe this weekend I will.
Like I mentioned yesterday, I have people that think I'm "tiny" and that I don't even look pregnant. And by the way, thank you very much for your kind comments to that very fact on yesterday's post.
Our 15-year-old daughter also said that to me today...that I didn't look very pregnant. She also said this...
"When are you going to get big?"
So, I said..."I have a LONG ways to go yet."
And she said, "But you're almost half way there!"
I just shook my head, "It takes awhile for the baby to grow and me to get big. But, believe me, when I have "only" seven or eight weeks to go, I will look
very pregnant."
Before she even said what she said to me, I had been thinking to myself that..."wow, I have a long ways to go yet. All summer long and all September and October. How the heck am I going to keep myself from gaining too much weight?!? And...I may get tired of being pregnant."
I'm not sure why, everything suddenly seemed so far away. But, I do think that working out 3 to five days a week will help keep my body feeling good...which helps me to feel good.
But I'm not tired of it now. I'm feeling well. I have lots of energy as compared to the first trimester. I don't have any morning sickness. I can still crank out 200 push-ups in a sitting. Ha, had to slip that in there.
Also, I am determined to enjoy this pregnancy to the fullest. So...that means I'm going to plot and plan what to get for the baby and shop at some garage sales for good deals. Yes, Yes, Yes!!
On another note, I have an idea for how to get in more
cardio on a regular basis. I've noticed that I get too tired to do
cardio right after weight lifting. Also...even though I haven't ran lately...I know that I won't be able to run for at least the last few months before the baby is born.
So...I had this idea to clean up this stair stepper machine that we've had in the garage for about five years and put it downstairs for me to use whenever I want. I think I paid ten bucks for it at a going out of business sale somewhere, but I never really incorporated it.
Geeze, I hope it still works. Ha, Ha! I'll let you know how it goes. It would also be nice to use that inside where it's air conditioned so that I don't get over heated.
Well, I made it to the gym today and accomplished a 45 minute back and biceps work-out.
Tomorrow is Fantasy Food Friday where I will be posting a
barrage of photos of the food fantasy that I photographed last weekend. One of you already guessed what it is...but everyone will know tomorrow.
Hope you all have a great Friday!
Sincerely,Sunshine Mama