Join Me For Another 10 Weeks! This is the first week of ten weeks starting October 22, 2012

Hi folks! I'm at it again. I'm going for another 20 pound loss in ten weeks. I've recently had another baby, a little girl, she is now five months old and I'm ready to drop some weight.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Good News

Hi friends!

How is everyone doing? It's been hot around here the last three days have been in the 90s and Wednesday is suppose to be 98 with the heat index probably over 115 degrees.

Beware, Sunshine Meg, I read in the paper today that the heat wave is making its way to the east coast.

Well, AWESOME NEWS folks!

After my last post I left you all in suspense about how my Saturday night out with the heavy appetizers would go. I ran five miles that day in 90 degree weather again.

That night, the appetizers were actually a nice variety of food. I had big, delicious strawberries, some vegetables, two meatballs, and about two beers. I had a great time.

Woke up the next morning.... Drumroll please...

And I dropped two pounds!!

But this just keeps getting better. I stayed the same on Sunday, then dropped another pound on Monday AND another pound today for a total of...

Five pounds in five days.

So...remember when I wrote about that 2.8 pound gain being illusionary?

It was!

I'm also wondering if the fact that I sweat like a soaking wet towel during my runs may be helping the weight loss. There's a lot of people who won't run in this weather, but I do because I observe these precautions:

1.) hydrate well before the run (I'll have 4 to 6 cups of water throughout the day before the run)

2.)Don't worry about going fast.

3.) Get in enough calories before the run (minimum 700-800)

4.) Take a water bottle with and hydrate every mile or sooner if necessary.

5.) Sometimes run at 9:00 at night because there's no sun and it's 10 degrees cooler.

But really, hydration is the big ticket. It's kind of like how a flower responds when we water it. It's perkier, stands taller...but if we don't water it, it wilts.

Your body literally wilts when you don't drink enough water in weather like this.

Personally I'd rather be the perky plant.

So, that's the good news friends. I wonder if I'll have some slight upward fluctuations over the next few days, but I've been eating great so it won't last long.

Wow. I don't know about you, but I can't wait to re-lose the weight that I gained.

Hang in there folks!


Sunshine Mama


  1. Thanks for your understanding Sunshine Mama. Yes, the heat wave has hit Southern Ontario too. It's supposed to be the hottest day ever on record, ever, this Thursday. Of course, I lived in Bangladesh for 3 years, so it's not THAT hot. I too drink all day, when I know I am going for a run. My daughter's X country coach says it's important to hydrate the day before the run too.

  2. I LOVED what you said about being the perky plant, lol!! That is a great visual for keeping the water intake up. I'm enjoying following your weight loss after baby #6 - I'm pregnant again, with baby #8 and chomping at the bit to have this overwith (due Nov 25) and get the weight off and my body back! Every day is a fight for me to keep the scale from going UP so it's always motivating to read about your successes.

    I have a pregnancy fitness blog if you're interested in My goal is to cut out all processed food and eat vegan, mostly raw, but definitely plant based. Your results of eating whole foods are so interesting to me because they are close to what I am doing, minus the meat part.

    Keep up the awesome work, you're doing sooo great!!! Waaah....I want to lose 5 pounds in 5 days! LOL. Soon enough, soon enough...!

  3. Awesome work!
    Running in the hat is off to you! I can't do it.

  4. I am so excited to hear your good news. 5 pounds in 5 days! That is awesome. I liked your tips for running outside in the heat too. With the heat wave hitting a large part of the country, it's important for people to have the tools to run properly. The point about not running fast is key. Take your time, find a comfortable pace, and just run it out. I usually run and do elliptical inside at the tiny gym in our apartment building. I've been doing more elliptical lately. It never feels as good as a run, but it's low impact and when I am feeling beat, it is my compromise to get myself in that gym. Well keep up the good work you perkey plant! We are proud of you!

  5. Such a pretty perky plant!

    WTG on all of that running!
