weight today: gained one pound
total lost: 8 pounds in 16 1/2 weeks
1/2 cup of oatmeal: 150
1 1/2 tsp of sugar: 22
1 tbl of powder creamer in tea:30
2 tsp of sugar in tea:30
total: 232
about 4 oz banana:100
post work-out:
about 4 oz banana:100
running total:432
3 1/2 oz chicken breast:122
1 moderate slice of Asiago bread:90
2 tsp of Smart Balance light butter:30
1/2 tsp of sugar:8
total: 250
running total: 682
1 Jimmy John's turkey sub with no mayo but with mustard:422
1 tbl of powder creamer in tea:30
2 tsp of sugar in tea:30
bites of son's corn dog and fries: 100
total: 582
running total:1,264
a few glasses of wine: 250
running total: 1,514
sugar free jello:10
with 2 tbl of whipped cream:15
running total: 1,539
Today's victory: For some reason, the weekends are easier for me to keep on track with my calories than the days called Monday through Friday. Not sure why that is...except that the schedule is different with my husband being around more. Maybe I feel less pressure because of that reason and so eat less.
Hmm....which makes me wonder if I'm snacking out of stress. No. not that.
Actual fitness: Completed a fifth day of weight lifting this week which included four supersets that worked my back, biceps, triceps and chest muscles. Did my abdominals and ran about 3 miles.
Note on photo: No. I did not partake of these doughnuts. I just took the picture because...well, I thought it might look nice. Actually, my husband brought these home from work and we gave them to the kids as a treat.
We're Halfway Through January
In this post I'm not really talking about a whole lot. It was a nice Saturday. I walked the kids to the gym to get my work-out in.
My husband and I actually slept in Friday morning and did not get up at 5:00 a.m. and work out. I was the one who actually suggested to him that he go back to sleep. He's been doing some overtime this week and I felt that he needed his sleep.
Besides, this fifth day at the gym is not totally necessary yet. However, we would like to begin doing it. Also, I knew I perhaps could get it in on Saturday.
So, we actually had to do our push-ups work-out separately.
What's funny is that one of my blogger friends, Lindsey, actually said in one of her comments that I should make sure that I don't suggest he go back to sleep. But in this case...especially at 5:00 in the morning, it seemed perfectly logical that he needed his sleep...Ha, Ha...isn't that funny?
Of course it would seem logical at that hour.
I did want to say to you all that I am grateful for all of your kind comments, and your encouraging words.
When my dad came over the other night we figured out that he was not doing a "full push-up" which was going all the way down. He tried going down all the way and it got much harder, real fast...
Since he has heart problems...I said, "nope. Don't do them that way dad. Just make sure you don't do that."
I know it's hard to not work-out a certain way because of an injury when you want to. It actually makes me more aware of doing exercises with the proper form and not increasing my weights too quickly so as to avoid an injury.
With this whole getting up at 5:00 a.m. thing, my husband says that all we need to do is to "scrape and claw" our way to February. By then, it will be a habit and much easier to do.
What's interesting is that it doesn't feel quite like scraping and clawing. Maybe that's because we're doing it together. Ahh...I love my husband.
Hope you are all having a great weekend!!
5am? What time do you exercise until? What time do your kids get up? 5am really seems like the middle of the night to me! LOL What time do you eat breakfast? What time to do you go to bed at night? I think I need a post of the Mama's daily schedule! It's fascinating to me that people can get up at that hour regularly. I'm impressed with myself when I rise at 7am to exercise, and that's NOT the norm. You amaze me!
ReplyDeleteI've been wondering how your pops is doing. Glad to hear he is taking care of himself. Your picture did look pretty tempting today. I love muffins, but the tops of muffins are just amazingly good. I try to stay away from them all together. I don't want a "muffin top."
ReplyDeleteYou and your husband working together and making this a priority is really great. You have the support when you don't want to, and can give support when the other does not want to. Keep going guys!
I think it is a great feeling to wake up one day and KNOW that you want to go work out and KNOW that you want to eat healthy and KNOW that you really don't need or want the donut. Great!