Join Me For Another 10 Weeks! This is the first week of ten weeks starting October 22, 2012

Hi folks! I'm at it again. I'm going for another 20 pound loss in ten weeks. I've recently had another baby, a little girl, she is now five months old and I'm ready to drop some weight.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy Thursday! When Failure Becomes Success...

Happy Thursday everyone!

Only one more day till the end of this work-out week. I conducted a little photo shoot and update on Mr. Lovely here, who is nine weeks young today. Doesn't he make your heart melt?
But while babies melt our heart, it is up to us to melt away extra weight.
I thought of this title during homeschooling today.
I have a strong desire to encourage you all in your journey toward healthy living.
Although failure and success are polar opposites of each other, the two concepts are quite often closer to each other than you think.
Lifting up a glass of water to your lips and swallowing... is success. Drinking another glass on top of that is more success because getting in 8 to 10 glasses of water helps us lose weight.
Failure might be grabbing one too many treats, but success is close on its heels when you manage to stop yourself. Success is when you first think about stopping yourself and then actually doing it.
Why is just thinking about it success? Because when you have thought about it, you are closer to your goals than not ever having considered it at all.
Failure can be turned into success so quickly more often than not, that it is actually astounding when you consider how much power you really do have within your own control.
Consider that in only three days on this diet, I have lost four pounds. (I lost another pound this morning).
That's a short period of time to make such a big change when just four days before that, I had stepped on the scale and gained two pounds in one day from eating too many cookies, and other high calorie food.
But why then, if we have so much power does not everyone do this?
I'll tell you why.
It's for lack of knowledge that we allow failure to take away our success.
You see, I know exactly what I need to do to lose 20 pounds in ten weeks. In fact, since the last time I lost this weight, I have discovered more secrets to dropping the fat even faster. So, yes, I have a certain measure of confidence because of past success. But much of that success was aided by my obtaining knowledge.
And, of course, knowledge isn't need other things to be determination, practice, patience, goals, flexibility, resolve and an undying belief in yourself that you can do it even when you can't see your goal in front of you.
In a word, faith.
Faith means believing in something yet unseen, which I suppose might be an idea for another post.
Anyway, what I really want to say here is to exhort you all in the knowledge that success in your journey's are just a choice away.What you might consider to be little successful choices, are very important in leading the way to building your bigger successes.
Again, little things do mean a lot.
It's lacing up your shoes and pulling on a jacket for a walk outside before you can talk yourself out of it.
It's getting a good night's sleep so you can think clearly the next day.
It's buying more vegetables even if you don't eat them all the first time.
It's picking up a chocolate chip cookie ....and then putting it back down. (ok, so that one is a little tougher. ha!)
Well, I photographed my lunch. It's a pretty stacked salad with broccoli, green peppers, carrots, cucumbers, radishes, spinach topped with two teaspoons of Newman's Own oil and vinegar and two teaspoons of ground flax seed.
Complementing that salad and on a matching plate is 1/2 cup of Basmati brown rice topped with one teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil and a five ounce chicken breast.

For a total of 390 calories;
I was stuffed.
I made it to the gym for a 45 minute leg work-out, a 2 1/2 mile run, four sets of 15 push-ups. The first three were girl style and the fourth set was "boy" style.
I consumed 1,665 calories.
And I can't wait to weigh myself tomorrow.

Someone asked me to post my daily menu, which I have already thought about doing.
I don't have time tonight, but I may do it as a postscript soon.

Anyway, I hope you are all doing well!

Sunshine Mama


  1. You know what is funny? I have been thinking a lot about success. Not just with workouts, but with life in general. I think the changing of the years makes people reflect more. Your attitude plays such a large role in how you manage your every day life. This was a great reminder that even if you fail once or twice, just start again. Keep your head up and think positive. It's a great message to be reminded of because it can be wasy to get down on yourself.

    Way to go with the workouts and the healthy eating. You are doing a terrific job. 4 pounds already too?!? You go girl!

  2. Nice, Nice, Nice!

    My eating is almost under control this week - sneak peek at the scale says -1.3 so far, but my official WI isn't until Sunday.

    Next week - five days working out - three at the gym, two in the pool!

    I'm still right behind you!

  3. ..and Mr. Lovely is such a cutie pie - nice to see him happier for the camera this week!

  4. Sunshine Meg--Attitude is EVERYTHING. How you respond to life directly corelates to how successful and Happy you will be in any situation. Contentment is also very important. Commitment to a person or situation is the linchpin that holds it together.... A couple of the things that is so sweet about having Sunshine Mama in the house is she is incredibly resourceful and always succeeds in finding the positive in every situation. I am very fortunate she is like that.Your Friend Daddy Rainmaker

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