Total lost: 18 pounds in 9 1/2 weeks
1/2 cup of oatmeal:150
1 tsp of sugar:15
1 tbl of powder creamer with coffee:30
with sweet-n-low:0
total: 195
vanilla protein shake:110
2 oz banana: 50
total: 160
running total: 355
2 Laughing Cow bites:10
1 large egg:70
1 large egg white: 10
1 lefse:30
1/2 cup of fat free cottage cheese:80
4 oz of strawberries:36
1 tsp of sugar:15
1 tbl of powder creamer with coffee:30
with sweet-n-low:0
running total: 636
2 1/2 oz banana:67
vanilla protein shake:110
total: 177
running total:813
1 large egg:70
1 large egg white:10
1 tsp of Smart Balance light butter:15
1 Arnold Select sand which thins:100
1 tbl of powder creamer with coffee:30
with sweet-n-low:0
1 Ritz cracker:16
1 Laughing Cow cheese bite:5
bites of son's chocolate ice cream:40
running total: 1099
Today's challenge: Keeping hydrated and sticking to caloriesPlanned fitness: 50 minute chest and tricep work-out, 2 mile run, My abdominal routine twice.
Note on picture: I had this for lunch yesterday: 1 large egg:70, 1 large egg white: 10, 1 lefse:30. 1/2 cup of fat free cottage cheese:80. 4 oz of sliced strawberries: 36, 1 tsp of sugar: 15. For a caloric total of : 241. One thing I love about this meal is the sliced strawberries with sugar drizzled on.
Reflecting On You
When I say "you" I mean the plural form of you all.
I was reading over some of the comments from a recent post and one of my blog followers, Sunshine Meg, suggested that I spend part of this tenth week reflecting on this whole process of losing weight and posting about it.
So, I did what she said, last night, and the first thing I began thinking about was the connections that I have made with the diet/work-out/weight loss community. Just today, Michelle decided to become a follower, (thank you, Michelle,) which means I have 24 followers.
When I started this blog, I wasn't looking for followers, really. This was just a kind of side blog in addition to my family blog. I saw making a blog as a opportunity to show other people what I do to lose weight. I've lost weight so many times before with all these babies I have. I could see that people were wondering what I did, so putting it in blog form was a way to perhaps help someone else get started or give them some good ideas that I would use to lose weight.
So, when I was reflecting tonight, I actually got a little teary. Because what I didn't expect is to receive such sincere encouragement and feel like I've become part of a team with this diet/work-out community. It's been so nice to interact with you and receive your words of affirmation. I've enjoyed reading your blogs and feeling inspired by your desire to better yourself.
Dieting and dropping weight can be a tough road. There have been many times that I have tried to start my diets and then have been derailed one way or another. But trying to be healthy and fit is the only thing I know how to do. I think I'll keep trying till the day I die even if I go off track here and there.
And funny I should say that because that really is the one thing that will make you succeed.
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."
If you dream to lose weight and be a certain weight, don't give up. Don't give up trying.
So, thank you all for inspiring me with your dreams, for chasing your dreams and not giving up.
Together we can do this.
What a great journey you are having.
ReplyDeleteWell you've been a great encouragement to me. I know when ive been good on my weight loss program. The very next day , my energy level is fantatastic.Say, Have you thought about writing a book or at least a short article titled "Lose twenty pounds in ten weeks"? Sounds like a best seller to me. Love Ya.......DAD
ReplyDeleteyou are definitely inspiring too! hello, you re-jumpstarted my ab workouts. every time i don't feel like doing them i think of your blogs about abs and then i am in the mood again to at least do SOMETHING. :) home stretch! rock it this weekend!
ReplyDeleteStop by my blog! I have an award for you!